Panchkarma is a purification and detoxification treatment system formulated by Ayurveda. It combines 5 different therapies, namely Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Raktamokshan, and Vasti. Together, they work to get rid of the toxins accumulated over a period of time, infusing the body with energy and vitality.
What is Uttarvasti?
There are two ways of explaining this Panchkarma treatment.
It is a therapeutic system process that helps cure sicknesses related to the reproductive and urinary organs of the body. It is beneficial for both men and women.
The other way to look at it is that owing to its special qualities, Uttarvasti is a treatment that’s beneficial for the body and delivers good results.
Regardless of the definition, from a practical perspective, Uttarvasti can help treat the following conditions:
Complications in the Female Body
Blockage in the oviduct
Fibroids in the womb
Irregular menstrual flow
Complications in the Male Body
Disorder in the urinary tract
Complications in the prostate
Blockage in ureter
Weakness in production of sperm
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
In Uttarvasti, specially formulated herbal oils are injected into the urinary tract using a syringe. It is a relatively painless and non-surgical procedure, and for this reason, the patient doesn’t need to be administered anaesthesia. A qualified Ayurvedic practitioner carries out the treatment with utmost care and it can help protect the patient from urinary tract infection (UTI).
Points to Remember:
Before going in for the treatment, hydrate yourself well so that your urine is clear like the water.
Never hold in your urine or force yourself to urinate.
During the course of the treatment, and for some time after, abstain from having sex.
Keep your diet light and have easily digestible food, like khichdi, soup, and oats.
Duration of the Treatment:
Uttarvasti is administered 2-3 times in a week, and in this time, the dosage of medicine is increased gradually. After the first week, there’s a gap of 10 days, after which the treatment can be repeated. Depending on the condition of the patient and the seriousness of his illness, the duration of the treatment and the dosage of the medicine are regulated accordingly.
The effects of Uttarvasti are clinically measurable. Patient can judge for himself as well, after evaluating his condition before and after the treatment. In fact, so effective is this procedure that you can feel the difference even while the treatment is going on.