Rules, however, can only be effective when all parties involved are aware of it. They need to be laid down in advance and explained carefully to the children.
Set aside 30-60 minutes to meet with your kids. Take that time to explain how it is important to maintain discipline at home. Once they understand, you could establish a set of rules to create an environment where all members can get along.
There can be a number of categories that the rules can fall under. Here are some examples:
Daily routines
Food and eating habits
Household chores and duties
Homework & TV watching time
To give your kids a sense of involvement, have them establish a few rules for themselves. This gives them a sense of ownership. These can include setting time to watch TV or the days of the week they will clean up their room.
Once the rules are finalized, place them where they can be easily located or seen by everyone. Review them from time to time and amend them on a monthly basis.
It is important to understand that rules exist to be followed. Don’t make any rules just for the sake of being strict. Help your kids understand that rules for kids and adults are different. And always lead your children by example. This will help them develop a healthy respect for you and the rules you lay down.