When food is not digested well it is unable to nourish the joints, while constipation, obesity, excess accumulation of uric acid in the body can also lead to joint pain. Joint pain adversely affects the quality of social and professional life. Today, diseases such as arthritis, gout and rheumatism not only affects the elderly but the young as well – this is mainly due to a faulty diet and lifestyle in the young generation.
Yoga and Light Exercises
Apart from Ayurvedic treatment, Yoga and Pranayama is very effective in relieving, managing and healing joint pain. Yoga helps in improving blood circulation in the body and getting rid of toxins from the joints. Yoga and light exercises is not only recommended for the sick but healthy people as well – to maintain good health. Initially, light exercises or Yoga can cause mild pain in the joints and muscles but there is nothing to be concerned about. You can gradually increase the duration and intensity of the exercise as your joints start regainig strength. Totally avoiding physical activities in joint pain can lead to immobility, stiffness and weakness of the joints.
Yoga postures such as Tadasana, Trikonasana, Uttanasana, Pawanmuktasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Dhanurasana are also beneficial in joint pain. But remember to practice Yoga under the supervision of an expert. Regular practice of Yoga and Pranayama not only increases your physical strength but instils confidence in you to deal with your joint pain. It should be an integral part of your life to ensure health and happiness in your life.
Note :
Regular practice of Yoga and Pranayama not only increases your physical strength but instils confidence in you to deal with your joint pain.