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Get Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment for Fibromyalgia

Explore the natural healing power of Ayur-Science treatment for Fibromyalgia with Jiva Ayurveda. Get personalised care with traditional therapies, herbal remedies, HACCP certified Ayurvedic medicines and lifestyle changes, all under the supervision of the top Ayurvedic experts in India.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition known to cause widespread pain and tenderness in the body, in addition to exhaustion and sleep disturbances. Individuals with Fibromyalgia report muscular pain that may vary in intensity, along with mood swings, memory issues and occasional digestive problems. This condition may affect anyone but is most common in women and those over forty. It's still unclear what triggers Fibromyalgia but it is believed to involve how the brain processes pain signals, which could explain the persistent pain and increased sensitivity among sufferers.
In the ancient Indian medical system of Ayurveda, Fibromyalgia is a 'Mansa Dhatugat and Mansavrut Vata' disorder, indicating it is primarily associated with muscular tissues and an imbalance in the Vata dosha. Vata controls movement and sensation in the body and when it is not in balance, it may destabilise the nervous system causing hypersensitivity and lead to pain and tenderness. This condition is viewed in Ayurveda as an accumulation of Ama (toxins) and sroto-avarodha (blockage in the body channels) which further worsens the symptoms.
Ayurvedic treatment for Fibromyalgia focuses on addressing the Vata imbalance and Ama detoxification. Treatment strategies include Vata samshamana (rebalancing Vata) and samshodhana (purification) to restore the body's natural equilibrium. These are accompanied by a balanced diet, herbal remedies and lifestyle changes to help improve digestion, relieve constipation, and reduce stress, all of which are essential to manage Fibromyalgia symptoms and promote well being.

Common Causes of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a complex disease that interferes with the way the brain processes pain signals, causing pain and soreness. Fibromyalgia causes are still not fully understood but several factors are believed to help in its development.

Here are some of the most common Fibromyalgia causes:

Genetic Predisposition: Fibromyalgia often runs in families, which may indicate a genetic component. Specific genes may increase susceptibility to the disorder, particularly for relatives of affected individuals.
Hormonal Disturbances: Imbalances in hormones like cortisol and serotonin might contribute to the enhanced pain sensitivity in Fibromyalgia.
Physical or Emotional Trauma: Physical injuries or emotional trauma like extreme depression or stress could also trigger Fibromyalgia.
Chronic Stress: Prolonged stress may harm the body and lead to Fibromyalgia symptoms. Stress management is therefore important for Fibromyalgia treatment.
Infections: Certain illnesses may also trigger or worsen Fibromyalgia. Some viral or bacterial infections can lead to symptoms that mimic or worsen those of Fibromyalgia.
Other Disorders: Fibromyalgia could occur alongside other chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and lupus. The presence of these disorders can complicate or trigger Fibromyalgia symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia impacts the body in multiple ways, leading to a variety of symptoms that can hinder everyday life. The severity and combination of these Fibromyalgia symptoms differs for every person and thus the condition is fairly unpredictable. Recognising the symptoms and signs may help with appropriate and timely treatment.

Here are the most noticeable Fibromyalgia symptoms:

Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Widespread Pain

A constant dull ache lasting for at least 3 months is the hallmark of Fibromyalgia. It hurts on both sides of the body, and both below and above the waist.


Individuals with Fibromyalgia might wake up feeling exhausted even after hours of sleeping. Sleep is frequently interrupted by pain and a lot of individuals with Fibromyalgia face various other sleep problems like restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea.

Cognitive Difficulties

A symptom commonly called "fibro fog" affects the ability to concentrate, pay attention and focus on mental tasks.

Mood Issues

The chronic fatigue and pain that Fibromyalgia patients go through can act as triggers for depression and anxiety.


Many people with Fibromyalgia experience persistent headaches or migraines because of neck and shoulder tension.

Digestive Problems

Symptoms such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), including gas,  bloating, constipation, and even diarrhoea.

Sensitivity to Pain

Some individuals with Fibromyalgia might show an increased sensitivity to pain. This extends to other sensations and may cause an adverse reaction to loud noises, bright lights and even temperature changes.

Are you going through any of these symptoms?

Widespread Pain
Cognitive Difficulties
Mood Issues
Digestive Problems
Sensitivity to Pain

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

  • Pain across many areas of the body
  • Persistent fatigue, even after a full night's sleep
  • Finding it hard to concentrate or experiencing mental fog
  • Feeling more anxious or depressed than usual
  • Chronic headaches or migraines
  • Digestive problems like gas, bloating, constipation, or diarrhoea
  • Unusual sensitivity to pain, light, noise, or temperature changes

Jiva Ayunique™ Treatment Philosophy - A Holistic Approach to Fibromyalgia

Jiva Ayurveda offers holistic Ayurvedic treatment of Fibromyalgia using evidence-based Ayurveda. The treatment plans are customised to target the very root causes of the disease, and instead of just treating symptoms, they focus on holistic healing, balance and stability in totality.

Core Principles of the Jiva Ayunique™ Treatment Philosophy

HACCP certified Ayurvedic medicines: These are scientific mixtures that bring your body back into balance and promote emotional stability.
Yoga, Meditation & Mindfulness: These are calming practices that promote mental wellness and general health.
Ayurvedic Treatments: Therapies like Panchakarma and various massages that cleanse the body and maintain emotional equilibrium.
Diet & Lifestyle Recommendations: Expert advice on changing your eating and lifestyle for better health outcomes.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Fibromyalgia

Ayurveda offers a holistic cure for Fibromyalgia, a condition characterised by widespread pain, exhaustion and other symptoms. This traditional Indian medicine system uses natural healing herbs to correct the underlying dosha imbalances for Fibromyalgia treatment.
Here are some effective Ayurvedic herbs for Fibromyalgia treatment:
Shunthi/Ginger (Zingiber Officinale): An antispasmodic and cholagogue, Ginger can soothe the gastrointestinal tract and relieve nausea. This is especially useful for Fibromyalgia patients who report GI distress as part of their symptoms.
Shallaki (Boswellia Serrata): Boswellia is a popular anti-inflammatory herb which can help ease pain and inflammation caused by Fibromyalgia.
Nirgundi (Vitex Negundo): This herb is mostly used for treating rheumatic and neurological pain and for easing the deep muscle aches of Fibromyalgia patients.
Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera): Ashwagandha is believed to reduce insomnia, act as a neuro-tonic and strengthen muscles, assisting with exhaustion and muscular weakness related to Fibromyalgia.
Kulinjan (Alpinia Galanga): Useful for arthritic disorders and inflammation, Alpinia galanga provides local relief of joint and muscle pain, related to Fibromyalgia.
Daru-haridra (Berberis Aristata): This Ayurvedic herb has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it beneficial for Fibromyalgia sufferers with joint pain.
Turmeric/Haridra (Curcuma Longa): Turmeric is applied locally for inflammation and pain relief and consumed to restore gastrointestinal function. It also acts as a natural antibiotic to relieve several symptoms of Fibromyalgia.
Guggulu (Commiphora Mukul): Guggulu is known for its ability to increase metabolic rate and to inhibit inflammatory processes which are especially helpful in controlling Fibromyalgia symptoms associated with body stiffness and weight management.
Licorice/Madhuyashti (Glycyrrhiza Glabra): Licorice supports the glandular system and has cortisone-like effects, helping in the holistic treatment of Fibromyalgia, notably for the relief of chronic pain and digestion problems.
Triphala: A staple in Ayurvedic medicine, Triphala promotes digestion and detoxification, which is essential to curb the inflammation response of the body in Fibromyalgia.
Devil's Claw (Harpagophytum Procumbens): Devil's Claw has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory qualities that could help ease the discomfort of Fibromyalgia symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fibromyalgia

What is the primary symptom of Fibromyalgia?

The main symptom of Fibromyalgia is prevalent pain which generally comes with exhaustion, insomnia and memory issues.

Can Fibromyalgia be cured completely?

Fibromyalgia is a progressive disease without any known cure, but its symptoms can be managed through a change in lifestyle, diet, natural medication and therapies.

Is Fibromyalgia a type of arthritis?

Fibromyalgia isn't a kind of arthritis as it doesn't cause inflammation or damage to the joints, muscles, or other tissues. But it is a rheumatic condition which impacts soft tissues and joints and leads to chronic pain.

How does Ayurveda diagnose Fibromyalgia?

Ayurveda diagnoses Fibromyalgia by assessing the balance of the body's doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and examining for ama (toxins) and sroto-avarodha (blockage of body channels).

Can diet affect Fibromyalgia symptoms?

Yes, diet is important in Fibromyalgia management. Ayurveda suggests a balanced diet to reduce ama and balance Vata dosha to relieve symptoms.

Are there any specific lifestyle changes recommended for Fibromyalgia patients?

Ayurveda suggests a regular sleep pattern, mild daily physical exercise like yoga and stress management to control the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

What role do toxins play in Fibromyalgia as per Ayurveda?

In Ayurveda, toxins (ama) are known to worsen the symptoms of Fibromyalgia by blocking body channels and disrupting the dosha balance.

Could Ayurvedic cures relieve pain in Fibromyalgia patients?

Yes, Ayurvedic treatments like massage (Abhyanga), herbal medicines and Panchakarma can relieve pain and promote well-being in Fibromyalgia patients.

Is yoga helpful for Fibromyalgia?

Yoga helps in stretching and strengthening muscles, releasing stress and improving sleep - all of which are helpful for Fibromyalgia patients.

How does stress impact Fibromyalgia symptoms?

Stress can trigger and worsen Fibromyalgia symptoms by causing hormonal imbalances and raising pain sensitivity.

How can Fibromyalgia flare-ups be prevented?

Regular exercise, a balanced diet, enough sleep and stress management may prevent and lessen the severity of Fibromyalgia flare ups.

Are children susceptible to Fibromyalgia?

Yes, Fibromyalgia can also impact children, but is more widespread in adults. In kids, signs and symptoms include widespread pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbances.

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