Successful Treatments
The human heart is a marvel of nature that is sensitive to physical and emotional wellness. In recent times, a significant rise has also been observed among young adults. High consumption of cholesterol, leading a sedentary life, stress, anxiety and smoking are some of the common causes which leads to the deposition of toxins (ama) in the arteries. Untreated heart diseases may need surgery to prevent severe health complications.
Every person is unique, hence treatment for the person’s disease must be unique too. Jiva doctors take
the Ayunique™ approach, which includes:
Completely personalized authentic Ayurvedic medicines based on thorough diagnosis of the root-cause
Throughout your treatment journey, a team of health coaches stay connected with you to track your relief progress and help with your health queries.
Customized remedy including diet, therapy and lifestyle planners designed by your doctor to compliment the medicines for holistic treatment of the root-cause
Get long-term relief from your
Cardio problems.