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Get Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment for Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is a condition caused by overheating of the body, which happens due to exposure to hot weather. Jiva Ayurveda offers Ayurvedic treatment through lifestyle changes, yoga and cooling foods, providing long-term relief and preventing complications.

What is Heat Stroke?

A heat stroke, also known as sun stroke, is a condition that is caused by body overheating, which happens due to exposure to high temperatures or physical activity in high temperatures for too long. There are a few stages of heat related conditions, of which heat stroke is the most serious and can happen if body temperature rises to 104 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, and is most common during the summer season.
This condition, if not treated, can quickly damage the brain, heart, kidneys and muscles. The damage gets worse the longer treatment is delayed, which increases risk of serious complications of death.
There are two types of heat stroke – non-exertional heat stroke and exertional heat stroke.
When a heat stroke happens due to being in a hot environment, it is known as non-exertional/classic heat stroke, and it causes a rise in core body temperature. It happens after exposure to hot, humid weather for a long period of time and happens most often in older adults and people with ongoing health conditions.
Exertional heat stroke is caused by an increase in core body temperature, which is brought on by intense physical activity in hot weather conditions. Anyone exercising or working in hot weather can get this condition, but it is most likely to occur if you are not used to high temperatures.

Heat Stroke Causes

Wearing heavy and/or synthetic clothing can prevent sweat from evaporating and cooling the body, which can cause core body temperature to rise
Consumption of alcohol, which can affect the body’s ability to regulate temperature
Dehydration brought on by not drinking enough water, leading to loss of fluids through sweating


High body temperature

A core body temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit or higher is the main symptom

Change in mental State

Change in mental state or behaviour, such as confusion, agitation, slurred speech, irritability, delirium, seizures and coma

A change in the pattern of sweating

In non-exertional heat stroke, skin may feel hot and dry to the touch, and in exertional heat stroke, one may start sweating more profusely

Nausea and Vomiting

during heat stroke, one may feel sick to the stomach or vomit

Flushed skin

as body temperature increases, skin may turn red

Rapid Breathing

due to the body heating up, breathing becomes rapid and shallow

Racing heart rate

due to heat stress, extreme burden is put on the heart to help cool the body, which results in a significant increase in pulse rate


the head may start to throb due to heat stroke

Are you going through any of these symptoms?

High body temperature
Change in mental State
A change in the pattern of sweating
Nausea and Vomiting
Flushed skin
Rapid Breathing
Racing heart rate

Heat Stroke First Aid

If someone gets heat stroke, immediate action is required to help cool that person down.
Shift the person into a shaded area or take them indoors
Excess clothing should be removed to help in evaporation of sweat
The person should be placed in a cool tub of water or cool shower, sprayed with garden hose, sponge with cool water, fan while misting with cool water or place ice packs or cold, wet towels on person’s head, neck, armpits and groin
Ice should not be used to older patients, young children, patients with chronic illness, or anyone whose heat stroke is non-exertional

How To Prevent Heat Stroke

To avoid heat stroke, the following precautions can be taken during hot weather conditions:
Wear loose-fitting and light weight clothes
Use sunscreen to protect yourself against sunburn
Consume plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated
Take extra precautions with certain medications that can hamper your body’s ability to stay hydrated and cool down
Avoid beverages containing caffeine or alcohol, as both of these work as diuretics and lead to more loss of fluids

Heat Stroke Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatment of heat stroke is not limited to alleviating the symptoms but is focused on thorough treatment of the disease.

Herbal Remedies

Ayurvedic herbs like Amla, Guduchi and Shatavari are known for their cooling properties and can help in both preventing and managing heat stroke.

Dietary Adjustments

Following a Pitta-pacifying diet that includes cooling foods such as cucumbers, melons and leafy greens can help to regulate body temperature and prevent heat stroke.

Panchakarma Therapies

Takradhara (continuous pouring of medicated buttermilk on forehead) and Chandanadi Abhyang (full-body massage with sandalwood oil) helps to cool the body, calm the mind and balance Pitta dosha, which is vitiated during heat stroke.

Meditation & Yoga

Asanas and Pranayama that can balance Pitta dosha as well as relax and cool down the body are great for managing heat stroke, and can also prevent it.

Jiva’s Evidence-Based Treatment Process

Nadi Pariksha

Starting with Nadi Pariksha, Jiva’s certified Ayurvedic doctors use this traditional pulse diagnosis to detect imbalances and assess organ health, which is crucial for diagnosing Heat Stroke accurately.

Prakriti Analysis

Understanding your unique physical and psychological pattern allows us to create a Heat Stroke treatment plan that not only addresses symptoms but aligns with your inherent constitution for lasting health.

Samprapti Ghatak (Pathogenesis)

Our practitioners investigate the progression of heat stroke by examining hygiene, dietary habits, lifestyle and mental health factors. This thorough analysis helps identify specific triggers that need to be addressed for targeted and individualised treatment.

Chikitsa Sutra - Personalised Treatment Plan

We then create a detailed Heat Stroke treatment plan, which consists of diet modifications, lifestyle adjustments, herbal medications, and specific therapies that aim to restore dosha balance and enhance overall health.

Continuous Monitoring & Amendments

Continuous tracking of the effectiveness of the treatment allows us to make necessary adjustments, ensuring that you achieve the best results from your personalised and Ayurvedic Treatment for Heat Stroke with Jiva’s ongoing support.

What Our Patients Say

87% of patients rate us excellent in service.
78% of patients saw significant improvement in 3 months of treatment.
92% of patients stopped allopathic medicines completely.


Many factors can make a person more vulnerable to getting heat stroke, such as:

Age: very young children and people over the age of 65 are more at risk due to the ability to cope with extreme heat. Very young children’s central nervous system is not fully developed and in adults over 65, central nervous system becomes less responsive

Exertion in hot weather conditions: participating in sports, military training, or doing strenuous physical work outdoors can lead to heat stroke

Sudden exposure to hot weather: heat waves or travelling to a destination with hotter climate, can also lead to heat stroke

Certain medications: some medicines hamper the body’s ability to remain hydrated and respond to heat. If you take medications that narrow blood vessels (vasoconstrictors), regulate blood pressure by blocking adrenaline (beta blockers), rid body of sodium and water (diuretics), or reduce psychiatric symptoms (anti-depressants or anti-psychotics) can put you at a higher risk of getting heat stroke

Certain chronic illnesses: certain health conditions such as heart or lung diseases, or being overweight, inactive and having history of heat stroke can increase your risk

If treatment for a heat stroke is delayed, it can result in a number of complications, which depends on how long the body temperature is high. If body temperature is not lowered as quickly as possible, it can cause brain or other vital organs to swell, which can result in permanent damage. It can also be fatal.

It is a heat-related illness that occurs when the body cannot cool itself effectively. It can progress to heat stroke if left untreated.

Home remedies are not enough for treating heat stroke. If you develop any of the symptoms of heat stroke, emergency medical help should be sought. People around you should administer first aid by trying to cool off your body while waiting for emergency help.

Heat index is the measurement of how hot one feels when effects of relative humidity and air temperature are combined. Relative humidity of 60% and higher can affect sweat evaporation, which affects the body’s ability to cool itself.

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