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Dengue fever is a viral illness spread by mosquitoes, specifically the Aedes type that is active during the daytime. It affects millions of people in subtropical and tropical regions of the planet every year, including India. When a mosquito with the Dengue virus bites you, it transfers the virus into your body.
Individuals with Dengue sometimes only show moderate symptoms or no symptoms at all. However, those who do show signs can have a high fever, severe headaches, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle soreness, exhaustion, nausea and skin rash. These symptoms can last from 4 to 7 days after the bite and up to seven days post-bite.
A first infection is often mild but getting Dengue more than once can be deadly. In case somebody gets infected the second time with a different strain of the disease, they're at greater risk for serious Dengue (Dengue hemorrhagic fever), which is life threatening.
Dengue has no specific medicine. The prevention of this disease involves protecting yourself from mosquito bites and reducing mosquito habitats. In case you live in an area where Dengue is common, use insect repellents, put on long pants and sleeves and put screens on doors and windows to keep mosquitoes out.
Dengue fever is generally misunderstood as common fever but understanding its causes may help in preventing and managing the spread of the disease better. It is important to understand that Dengue doesn't spread from person to person like a normal cold or flu. Instead, it comes from one specific source only.
The most common causes of Dengue are:
Infected Mosquitoes: Dengue is brought on primarily by a bite of an infected Aedes mosquito. These mosquitoes pick up the Dengue virus when they bite an already-infected person. They may then spread the virus to others they bite.
Tropical/Subtropical Climates: Dengue is much more prevalent in tropical and subtropical climates, particularly in cities and suburban areas. These regions provide the warm, humid habitat in which Aedes mosquitoes live.
Stagnant Water: Aedes mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. Common breeding sites include water-filled containers, plant saucers, bird baths, old tires and other water-holding items.
Lack of Mosquito Control: Large populations of the Aedes mosquito may thrive in areas without effective mosquito control. This increases the risk for Dengue transmission.
Rapid Urbanisation: Rapid growth in urban areas without proper infrastructure may increase breeding sites for mosquitoes. Poorly managed waste and unplanned water storage are risk factors in urban settings.
Dengue fever may be mild or severe, and the signs of Dengue could mimic the flu or any other viral infection. Recognising the signs early may help with a faster diagnosis and management of the illness.
The key signs and symptoms of Dengue are given below :
Dengue usually begins with a high fever, sometimes reaching 104° F (40° C) that lasts 2-7 days.
A severe headache usually behind the eyes is a typical sign of Dengue.
The pain behind the eyes gets usually worse with eye movement.
Dengue is also called "breakbone fever," and the severe joint and muscle pain makes it uncomfortable to even move.
These symptoms may accompany the fever in Dengue patients.
Rashes may spread over most of the body 3 to 4 days after the fever begins and sometimes a second rash similar to measles develops later in the disease.
A person with Dengue may have mild bleeding, such as nosebleed or bleeding gums or even light bruising.
Along with the above symptoms, patients may also feel intensely tired and ill.
Jiva Ayurveda offers holistic Ayurvedic treatment of Dengue using evidence-based Ayurveda. Our treatment plans are customised to target the very root causes of the disease, and instead of just treating symptoms, they focus on holistic healing, balance and stability in totality.
HACCP certified Ayurvedic medicines: Scientifically-formulated mixtures that help restore balance in the body and maintain emotional stability.
Yoga, Meditation, and Mindfulness Practices: Relaxation techniques focused on boosting your mental wellness and overall health.
Ayurvedic Healing Treatments: Therapies like Panchakarma and therapeutic massages that cleanse the body and help with emotional balance.
Diet and Lifestyle Guidance: Expert recommendations on how to modify your eating habits and lifestyle for better health results.
Ayurveda offers natural cures for Dengue fever. These traditional medicines help to strengthen immunity, platelet count and manage Dengue symptoms. These are some of the Ayurvedic treatments suggested for managing and treating Dengue fever:
Extract of Papaya Leaf: Papaya leaf extract is commonly used for Dengue patients as it increases platelet count. The extract from the leaf may be taken as juice or capsules to increase platelet levels and reduce symptoms of fatigue and weakness.
Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia): Giloy is an immunomodulator that promotes resistance against infections. It helps with fever and vitality. Giloy is consumed as a juice or tablet.
Tulsi (Holy Basil): Another herb that is believed to have antiviral and immune-strengthening properties is tulsi. Drinking a decoction of Tulsi leaves can lower Dengue fever and ease other flu symptoms.
Neem Leaves: Neem possesses antiviral and antibacterial properties. Neem leaves boiled in water can help purify the blood and increase immunity which is important for Dengue patients.
Fenugreek Seeds: Fenugreek seeds lower fever and soothe the skin. Soaked fenugreek seeds can be taken as a drink to ease pain and lower the fever.
Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Amla is high in Vitamin C and therefore boosts the body’s immunity against infections. Amla juice can be added to the diet of someone recovering from Dengue to restore strength and vitality.
Use insect repellents, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants and use window/door screens to keep mosquitoes outside.
Yes, the Aedes mosquito happens to be most active from early morning right after sunrise and before dusk in the evening.
Dengue is diagnosed through blood testing for the disease or antibodies created by the immune system as a result of it.
In case you believe you might have Dengue, see a doctor immediately. Take rest, drink plenty of fluids and avoid medicines such as aspirin.
Yes, serious Dengue (Dengue hemorrhagic fever) may occur following the initial fever stage and needs medical attention.
Keeping your environment clean and free of standing water reduces mosquito breeding sites and Dengue risk.
Change water in vases, bird baths, coolers and other containers at least once a week to avoid mosquito breeding.
Ayurveda provides supportive care to control symptoms and facilitate recovery for Dengue patients.
The immune system can be strengthened and Dengue symptoms may be eased by regular consumption of Tulsi, Neem and Giloy.
Yes, a nutritious diet full of fruits, lean proteins and vegetables can boost your immunity and also accelerate recovery.