Successful Treatments
Eye Floaters are small dark dot-like structures that usually drift into the peoples’ line of sight. They are typically a result of the ageing process that alters the vitreous structure, more like a gelatinous material occupying the eyeball. Ageing leads to the vitreous body becoming less dense and more liquid, which leads to small strands getting consolidated, creating shadows in the retina. While they are harmless, such floaters can cause frustration. As Ayurveda teaches us balance, eye floater treatment through Ayurveda can bring about ocular balance by incorporating healthy practices, making changes in diet, and taking Ayurvedic herbs.
Eye Floaters are frequently explained as a consequence of the natural ageing process, usually characterised by changes in the vitreous humour. In Ayurveda, they are associated with an imbalance in the Vata and Pitta doshas, particularly affecting the eyes and the nervous system. The presence of these doshas in imbalanced forms is a pointer of things like Eye Floaters. Some of the causes are:
Age: The most common explanation for Eye Floaters is the age-induced degeneration of the vitreous humour as it ages while the protein fibres get all clustered together.
Eye Injuries: An eye injury can affect the vitreous, resulting in floaters.
Infectious Diseases & Inflammations: Inflammatory conditions affecting the eyes, such as uveitis, can result in floaters, causing debris to form in the vitreous.
Vata Dosha: A blocked vata dosha causes dry and turbulent fluid movement in the body, which may result from dry fluids such as the vitreous humor. This then leads to the presence of floaters.
Due to a disrupted vision field, one may see visibly floating particles, small veil-like objects, hair strands, or moving squiggly vision prisms inside their eyes around the line of sight area.
Eye Floaters can position themselves in an eyebrow rest above the relaxed state and give such foam that one takes deep breaths. While the eyes are switched around, they still stay in the line of one’s vision, which is at an angle to get into focus notice. The disorientation occurs because of tiny objects.
Floaters are usually more visible against bright backgrounds, such as a clear blue sky or a plain white wall.
A more comprehensive range of definitions will include that when you look at floaters, they appear as black or grey dots, which tend to be more apparent when the viewer is staring at a light background.
Jiva’s Ayunique™ treatment philosophy follows a holistic approach to healthcare and well-being. Our treatments are highly personalised to identify and eliminate the root cause of the disease, enhance the body's overall immunity, and balance the doshas, i.e., the governing energies, as mentioned in the Ayurveda texts.
Ayurvedic Therapies: Triphala ghrita, Nasya, and other authentic Ayurvedic therapies help reduce dryness, cleanse toxins, and improve vision clarity.
HACCP- certified Ayurvedic Medicines: Scientifically formulated mixtures that help restore balance in the body and maintain emotional stability.
Nutritional and Lifestyle Changes: According to Jiva specialists, a customised diet that balances the Pitta and Vata doshas while encouraging ingredients that benefit eye tissues and prevent dry eyes is required.
Yoga and Meditation: Certified experts recommend yoga postures, eye exercises, and meditation to treat Vata imbalance and enhance eye circulation for relaxation and clarity of vision.
Some herbs assist the condition and even work with other herbs used for Eye Floaters relief. Some prevalent and effective herbs in Ayurveda are:
Triphala: It helps rejuvenate the eyes. Triphala also works to detoxify, reduce strain, and balance the doshas responsible for encouraging healthy eyes.
Ghee (clarified butter): Ghee improves the diet and eye tissues by applying ghee to the eyes or consuming other nutrients.
Amla (Nellikai/ Indian Gooseberry): This fruit is a rich source of Vitamin C and antioxidants, promoting overall ocular health and oxidative stress associated with Eye Floaters.
Ashwagandha: This herb is an adaptogen that helps wane Vata aggravation, boosts vision clarity, and eases vision-related stress.
Neem: Neem is a blood purifier detox and removes toxins that may lead to Eye Floaters.
Floaters are Tric or cystic primary and secondary forms that occur as vitreous changes within the eyeball's posterior visual field.
Generally, floaters are benign, but one should be wary of an increase in floaters of sudden onset along with lights; these conditions may hint at retinal detachment that requires an expert’s help.
The goal of Ayurveda treatment is to subdue the high Vata and Pitta dosha levels that relate to the number of floaters, and this has been very helpful through herbs, lifestyle changes, and eye exercise.
Triphala, amla, and ashwagandha are commonly used as herbal medications for the eye. They are effective in decreasing floaters.
Eye exercises, a well-balanced diet, and Ayurvedic eye care practices can diminish Eye Floaters.
Diminishing screen time, protecting oneself from bright and glaring light, maintaining adequate water intake, and eating a diet that helps to make the dosha well-integrative are all good lifestyle changes that can be made.
Yes, stress can worsen floaters by causing tension and imbalance in the Vata dosha, impacting the eyes.
As far as Pitta and Vata doshas are concerned, disastrous foods such as excess salt, excessive use of spicy foods, and processed foods should be avoided as they may damage the eyes.
Floaters have also been linked to age-related factors involving degenerative changes in the vitreous humour/post-traumatic causes/post-infectious factors/Lifestyle factors, or an imbalance of Vata-Pitta dosha.
It is possible to control and even reduce the floating phenomenon by synergising eye health through the relevance of the doshas. Still, changes cannot be prevented by other factors, like the advance in age.