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Get Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment for Gangrene Foot

Have you been noticing sudden discoloration and pain in your feet? It could be a sign of Gangrene Foot. At Jiva, we offer natural, holistic Ayurveda treatment to effectively manage the disease. Our certified ayurveda doctors will customise therapies and medicines for optimal healing.

What is Gangrene Foot?

Gangrene Foot is a serious medical condition where the foot tissues die due to inadequate blood supply. This can happen if blood flow to your foot is obstructed or reduced dramatically, starving cells of oxygen and nutrients they need to stay alive. Gangrene usually begins in the toes and can travel through the foot and up the leg if not treated promptly.

The common signs of Gangrene Foot Disorder include pale to blue, purple, black or red skin discoloration and severe pain, numbness or sores with a foul-smelling discharge. Addressing these symptoms early may help prevent the spread and severe repurcussions.

Gangrene may form because of severe infections, injuries, or chronic diseases such as Diabetes that impair circulation. Individuals with poor blood flow, including smokers are at greater risk of developing this condition.
Detecting the symptoms early and getting prompt medical attention is essential for management of this condition.

Common Causes of Gangrene Foot Disorder

Knowing the causes for Gangrene formation can help you avoid them and manage your health proactively. Some of the commonly noted causes of Gangrene Foot are listed below.

Diabetes: The most common causes of Gangrene Foot is Diabetes. Long-term highs in blood sugar can damage blood vessels and impair circulation to the feet. This poor blood flow prevents wounds from healing and increases the risk of infections becoming Gangrene.
Infections: Gangrene may also develop from untreated severe infections of the foot. Bacterial infections could quickly overwhelm defences, especially when the immune system is already weak.
Injuries: Foot fractures, burns, or frostbite may impair blood flow. The damaged tissues may die and become Gangrene if they do not get enough blood.
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD): This narrows arteries and prevents blood flow to limbs. PAD is caused by atherosclerosis, where fatty deposits build up in the arteries.
Smoking: Smoking narrows blood vessels and decreases circulation in the body. Smokers are more likely to develop Gangrene in limbs, including the feet.
Surgical Complications: Rarely, complications following surgery may result in decreased blood flow to a site inside the body and become Gangrene, if untreated.

Signs and Symptoms of Gangrene Foot Disorder

It is important to recognise the signs and symptoms of Gangrene Foot early to diagnose it faster and effectively through ayurveda treatment. Following are some noticable signs adn symptoms of Gangrene.



The simplest Gangrene Foot symptom is a change in skin colour. The skin may be red or brown and eventually dark purple or black as the tissues die.

Severe Pain

Initially, you may feel severe pain in the area because blood supply drops. But as the gangrene grows, you may lose sensation there because of nerve damage.

Cold & Numbness

The affected area may be cold and numb because blood flow is decreased.

Foul-smelling Discharge

If an infection continues, you might get a foul-smelling odour from the area. This shows the tissue is dead and infected.

Sores & Blisters

Sores, blisters or ulcers which do not heal might develop on the skin. These may also release fluid or pus.

Crackling Sensation

Sometimes you can hear a crackling under the skin from gas produced by bacteria, especially in gas gangrene.

Systemic Symptoms

In more serious cases, you might have systemic symptoms like fever, chills and general sickness.

Are you going through any of these symptoms?

Severe Pain
Cold & Numbness
Foul-smelling Discharge
Sores & Blisters
Crackling Sensation
Systemic Symptoms

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

  • Any changes in skin colour, such as skin turning red, brown, dark purple or black
  • Severe pain or numbness in your foot or toes
  • Cold sensation in the foot
  • Swelling in the foot or toes
  • Foul-smelling discharge from a wound or sore on your foot
  • Presence of sores or blisters on your foot that are not healing
  • Crackling sensation under the skin
  • Fever, chills, or a general feeling of being unwell

Jiva Ayunique™ Treatment Philosophy - A Holistic Approach to Gangrene Foot

Jiva Ayurveda offers holistic Ayurvedic treatment of Gangrene Foot by combining ancient Ayurvedic knowledge and the latest advances in modern medicine to achieve the desired results. Our comprehensive ayurvedic treatments are customised unqiuely for each patient focussing on identifying and healing the root causes of the disease, rather than just treating symptoms.

Core Principles of the Jiva Ayunique™ Treatment Protocol

Certified Ayurvedic Medicines: Government certified ayurvedic medicines are personalised by the Jiva doctors for each patient basis preliminary analysis and health progress. These medicnes help balance the doshas,revitalise the body and stabilise your mood amongst other benefits.
Yoga, Meditation, and Mindfulness: Mental wellness is considered of great importance in Ayurvedic treatments. Thus, calming mind-wellbeing practices are a key part of Jiva’s holistic treatments.
Ayurvedic Therpies: Procedures like Panchakarma and therapeutic massages that cleanse the body and promote emotional balance are often inlcuded in the personalised treatment plans for each patient.
Diet and Lifestyle Modifications: Expert guidance on eating habits and lifestyle is provided during ayurvedic treatment for Gangrene foot at Jiva Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Gangrene Foot

Ayurveda provides natural remedies for Gangrene Foot to help improve blood circulation, treat infection and tissue regeneration. Some essential Ayurvedic medicinal herbs using during treatment of Gangrene Foot are listed below:

Neem (Azadirachta indica): Neem is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory herb. It fights infection and heals the body. Neem oil can be rubbed topically onto the sore to prevent it from becoming infected.
Khadir (Acacia catechu): Khadir is used for skin ailments as it is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. It may be applied topically or orally to relieve inflammation and purify the blood.
Karanj (Pongamia pinnata): Karanj oil is another topical treatment for Gangrene Foot. It reduces pain and swelling from an anti-inflammatory action and resists infection.
Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia): Manjistha improves circulation, heals wounds and purifies blood. Orally, it is taken as a capsule or powder.
Haldi (Turmeric): The anti-inflammatory component curcumin in turmeric stops inflammation and pain. It's taken orally or used like a paste on the affected region.


Blood circulation and functioning of the immune system may be hampered by factors like diabetes, severe infections and smoking.

Walking slowly can improve circulation in your legs and feet and may prevent conditions like Gangrene by giving tissues enough blood.

Gangrene is not contagious meaning it does not spread from person to person.

After Gangrene sets in, tissue can not be repaired but its progression can be stopped by treatment.

Avoid processed foods, sugars and unhealthy fats which constrict blood vessels and blood circulation. Include more fruits, vegetables & whole grains in your diet.

Recovery time depends on severity of the condition and treatment approach. It may take weeks to months to heal and sometimes surgical intervention is also needed.

Light workouts like walking and yoga which do not put too much strain on the feet can help with this condition. Before beginning any new exercise, consult a doctor first.

Gangrene is considered a severe imbalance in Vata dosha (movement and circulation of the body) as per Ayurveda.

Yes, Ayurvedic remedies are used together with conventional medicine to manage symptoms and achieve better results for Gangrene Foot. However, we recommend you consult with a certified ayurveda doctor first.

Herbs like Ginkgo biloba, cinnamon and garlic improve circulation and are recommended in Ayurveda for better blood circulation. However, before using them, we recommend you consult your case with a certified ayurveda doctor first.

Yes, Ayurveda offers a variety of  warm, medicated oil massages such as Abhyanga, to manage Gangrene Foot pain and discomfort.

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