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Get Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment for Pinworms

Experiencing intense itching around the anus, especially at night? It might be a symptom of Pinworms. Get advanced Ayurvedic Treatment for Pinworms at Jiva Ayurveda. Our Treatment plans include customised therapies, medicines and consultation with top ayurveda physicians in India.

What are Pinworms?

Pinworms are little white worms which inhabit the intestines of humans. They are a common intestinal worm infection in children (though they can also be caught in adults). The infection they cause is called Pinworm Infection or Enterobiasis.

The main symptom of a Pinworm Infection is itching around the anus, especially at night. This happens because the female Pinworms leave the intestines to lay eggs around the anal area, causing pain and sleep disturbances.

Pinworm Infections are very contagious. They spread through the ingestion of pinworm eggs, found on contaminated surfaces such as toys, bedding, or clothes. After being ingested, these eggs hatch in the intestines and the infection continues. Because they are contagious, Pinworms are common in schools and institutions where children are constantly in contact with one another.
Good hygiene, including regular hand washing and keeping fingernails clean and short helps prevent the spread of Pinworms.

Common Causes of Pinworms

To prevent and manage Pinworm Infections, it is important to understand how they spread. The following are commonly noted causes of Pinworm Infections,

Bad Hygiene: Not washing hands after using the bathroom or before eating may cause the ingestion of pinworm eggs.
Contaminated Surfaces: Pinworm eggs may remain on objects such as toys, bedding, furniture and clothing. Touching these surfaces and then touching the mouth or food may introduce the eggs into the body.
Direct Contact: Close contact with someone with a Pinworm Infection may spread the eggs. This is common in families or schools where people are closely confined.
Ingesting Contaminated Foods or Drinks: Eating unhygienically prepared foods and drinks may have higher tendency of being contaminated with pinworm eggs, that may increase teh chances for Pinworm infection.
Nail Biting & Thumb Sucking: These habits can transfer pinworm eggs from hands to mouth in children prone to such habits.
Airborne Eggs: Rarely, pinworm eggs may become airborne (typically by shaking contaminated bedding or clothing) and inhaled.

Signs and Symptoms of Pinworms

Pinworms generally live in the colon and rectum of humans. They cause a common infection in children, Enterobiasis or Pinworm Infection. Recognising the symptoms and signs of this infection might help in timely treatment and preventing its spread.

The symptoms of a Pinworm Infection are:


Intense Itching

The most prominent symptom is severe itching around the anus. This itching is usually worse at night when the female worms lay eggs.

Restless Sleep

Because of the itching sensation, affected people may have trouble sleeping or face insomnia, especially children.

Visible Worms

You may even see tiny white worms around the anus or in the stool. These worms are about the length of a staple and generally found at night.

Abdominal Discomfort

Some people also feel mild abdominal pain or discomfort.


In children particularly, irritability may be a common symptom because of the pain and inadequate sleep due to the infection.

Secondary Skin Infections

Persistent scratching may cause skin infection or rash around the anal area.

Nausea & Appetite Loss

Even though less common, some feel nauseous or loss of appetite.

Are you going through any of these symptoms?

Intense Itching
Restless Sleep
Visible Worms
Abdominal Discomfort
Secondary Skin Infections
Nausea & Appetite Loss

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

  • Intense itching around the anus, especially at night
  • Visible white worms in the stool or around the anal area
  • Restless sleep or difficulty sleeping due to anal discomfort
  • Persistent scratching around the anus
  • Mild abdominal pain or discomfort
  • Nausea or a decrease in appetite
  • Irritability or mood disturbances, particularly in children

Jiva Ayunique™ Treatment Philosophy - A Holistic Approach to Pinworms

Jiva Ayurveda offers holistic Ayurvedic treatment of Pinworm Infections by combining ancient Ayurvedic knowledge and the latest advances in modern medicine to achieve the desired results. The treatment plans are customised to target the very root causes of the disease, and instead of just treating symptoms, they focus on holistic healing, balance and stability in totality.

Core Principles of the Jiva Ayunique™ Treatment Protocol

Customised Ayurvedic Medicines: Personalised herbal medicines designed to balance doshas and improve emotional well-being.
Yoga, Meditation, and Mind Wellness: Relaxing activities that enhance mental health and overall calmness.
Ayurvedic Therapies: A range of therapies including Panchakarma and massages that detoxify the body and help stabilise emotional centres.
Dietary & Lifestyle Changes: Professional advice on adjusting your diet and lifestyle to optimise health outcomes.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Pinworms

Ayurveda provides various herbal treatments against Pinworm Infections. These natural remedies focus on improving the digestive and immune systems of the body. Some commonly noted Ayurvedic medicinal herbs used during the treatment of Pinworm infection are listed below:
Krimighn Rasa: This preparation is highly antiparasitic and is suitable for eliminating intestinal worms.
Vidanga (Embelia ribes): Often used with other herbs, Vidanga is effective against Pinworms because it is anthelmintic (worm-expelling).
Krimi Kuthar Ras: This is another strong formulation used in Ayurveda for parasitic infections like Pinworms.
Keet Mard Rasa: It clears Pinworms by targeting insect and worm infestations inside the body.
Krimi Kalanal Rasa: It is also formulated to fight intestinal worms and restore digestive health disturbed by parasitic action.
Kampillak Churna and Kirmani Ajwain Churna: These are powdered forms of herbs taken to kill the worms and to aid digestion which is often inhibited by Pinworms.

Other natural Ayurvedic solutions include:

Garlic: Its strong antiparasitic action is useful for removing Pinworms.
Carrot: The anti-parasitic nature of grated carrot daily may clear worms from the intestines.
Coconut: Eating coconut or consuming a spoonful of coconut oil can expel Pinworms because it is anti-parasitic.
Bitter Gourd: Its juice is especially useful for flushing Pinworms and their eggs from the intestines.
Papaya and Papaya Seeds: They contain papain and caricin and are useful for killing Pinworms.
Seeds of pumpkin: They are notable for their cucurbitacin material, an antiparasitic compound that kills Pinworms.
Onion: The sulphur in onions kills Pinworms. A traditional remedy for worm removal is to drink water soaked in onion slices.


Pinworms tend to be usually found in kids upto 10 years of age, although people of any age can catch them.

Symptoms improve after a week of consistent Ayurvedic treatment but complete eradication may take longer.

Though not dangerous themselves, Pinworms can cause skin infections and sleep disturbances.

Some herbs aren't ideal for pregnancy and must be checked first by an Ayurvedic specialist.

Yes, a high fibre, probiotic and hydrating fluid diet may prevent Pinworms by improving digestive health.

Yoga poses that help digest food and cleanse the colon such as Pavanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose) can help with this condition.

Once a week cleaning with disinfectants is recommended, especially in bathrooms and kitchens.

Pinworm Infections can occur at any time of the year but are most prevalent in school years due to frequent contact between kids.

Pinworm eggs can survive on surfaces for two to three weeks under optimal conditions.

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