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Get Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment for Tapeworm

At Jiva Ayurveda, you can get effective Ayurvedic treatment for tapeworm infection by eradicating its factors and restoring balance within your body. Our treatment involves herbal medicines, Panchakarma therapies, and lifestyle changes which facilitate killing the tapeworm, healing your digestive system, and prohibiting further infections. Call now to book a free consultation.

What is Tapeworm?

Tapeworm is a flat, ribbon-like parasitic worm, that lives in the intestines of humans and animals, and its scientific names depend upon species, amongst which Taenia solium (pork tapeworm) and Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm) are most common. Tapeworms attach themselves to the intestinal walls, absorbing nutrients from the host, thus resulting in a number of health problems. Infections due to tapeworms are generally acquired through contaminated food or water.


Digestive Issues

This is probably the most basic and common sign of a tapeworm infestation. A person can experience abdominal aches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. These issues develop because the tapeworm causes irritation to the intestinal wall lining. Such symptoms occur due to the body's attempt to throw out the parasite. Pains can be mild, acute, and recurring, as well as periodic, with intensity depending on the size of the tapeworm and the gastrointestinal health. Occasionally, these problems can be mistaken as any other gastrointestinal disorder, making diagnoses even more difficult.

Unexplained Weight Loss

Tapeworms directly suck out the nutrients from the intestines of the host. As a result, there can be substantial nutrient depletion. It is not unusual for people infected with tapeworms to lose weight, despite eating normally or even more than usual. In this case, it is almost as if tapeworm competes with a host to take nutrients away, leaving the body stripped of its vital vitamins, minerals, and calories, hence unnaturally and perhaps rapidly losing weight. Besides, it may also cause other health problems like vitamin deficiencies and fatigue.

Weakness and Fatigue

Malnutrition can easily creep in when these tapeworms absorb all the nutrients from the body, causing a persistent feeling of weakness and fatigue. The body then cannot function optimally without these adequate nutrients, which might lead to lethargy, weakness, and a lack of energy. Over time, this malnutrition brings about deficits of physical strength but also the functionality of the mind, where it becomes hard to concentrate and even perform daily tasks.

Are you going through any of these symptoms?

Digestive Issues
Unexplained Weight Loss
Weakness and Fatigue

Ayurvedic Treatment for Tapeworm

Ayurvedic treatments target the expulsion of tapeworms by strengthening the digestive system, detoxifying the body, and restoring balance in the doshas.

Herbal Remedies (Ayurvedic Medicine for Tapeworm)

The top-of-the-line Ayurvedic medication that can remove tapeworms highlights powerful herbal remedies that cleanse tapeworms from the intestines and wash out the digestive system.
Vidanga (Embelia ribes): Vidanga is one of the most potent anthelmintic herbs used in Ayurveda for the removal of intestinal parasites like tapeworms. It hampers the intestinal wall's capability through the enfeebling of parasitic holds on the intestinal walls, making their eviction extremely easy for the body. Vidanga also aids digestion as a whole, ensuring the gut environment is not supportive of worm growth.
Neem (Azadirachta indica): Neem is widely used in Ayurveda, due to its strong anti-parasitic and detoxifying properties. Neem purifies the blood and the system, thereby killing the parasitic worms and preventing them from giving rise to new ones. Being naturally bitter, it forms a strong detoxifying effect against intestinal infections, and the common use of Neem prevents re-infestation by improving immunity.
Triphala: Triphala is a well-known Ayurvedic preparation made of extracts of three fruits: Haritaki, Bibhitaki, and Amalaki. This preparation does not only regulate the bowel movement but also contributes to the detoxification of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to its mild laxative action, tapeworms are cleansed out, and the gut lining is maintained healthy.
Pippali (Long Pepper): Pippali forms an important component of numerous Ayurvedic medicines as it acts as a stimulant for the digestive system. The digestive fire or Agni is stimulated to create an atmosphere unfavourable to tapeworm. It also helps in evacuating the parasitic infestation by enhancing the body's immune system to ward off further parasitic infections.
Detoxification and Panchakarma (Ayurvedic Treatment for Tapeworm)
Ayurvedic holistic detox therapies, such as Panchakarma, are the procedures that cleanse and expel tapeworms and restore overall health.
Virechana (Therapeutic Purgation): Virechana is purgation therapy with herbal purgatives that completely cleanse the digestive tract and remove worms, not just toxins. Tapeworms which grow inside the intestines will be removed through this treatment. Virechana is very helpful for restoring balance to Pitta dosha, especially for those who have an imbalance due to parasitic infections.
Basti (Medicated Enema): Basti is useful in eliminating intestinal parasitism from tapeworms through the pouring of herbal oils or decoctions into the colon. This cure clears out the tapeworms straight away but rejuvenates the gut, improving the natural host defence mechanisms that help avoid renewed parasitic proliferation. Basti is very helpful when the Vata dosha becomes quite agitated, which often leads to digestive diseases conducive to the survival and nourishment of the tapeworm.
Nasya Therapy: Even though tapeworms, by and large, look for their host site in the intestines, larvae of some species can migrate to the brain sinuses or other parts of the body. Nasya therapy, which is a nasal application of herbal oils, is used to clear the head and sinuses of obstruction, which may include parasitic infestation and may consequently prevent secondary complications like neurocysticercosis.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes

A Vata-balancing diet is usually prescribed to enhance digestive health and prevent tapeworm infections. Key aspects include:

Warm and Easily Digestible Foods: Ayurvedic treatment prescribes a patient to take prepared warm food that does not cause a problem in their intestines. A patient infected with tapeworm should take soups, steamed vegetables, and porridge. Such foods do not cause huge irritation to the digestive system, hence allowing for efficient nutrient absorption in the body. It is quite essential as tapeworms usually drain resources in the host's body.
Anti-Parasitic Foods: Some foods are known to be good antiparasitic agents in the body. Garlic, pumpkin seeds, and turmeric have been singled out as great at this. Pumpkin seeds paralyse tapeworms so they are then easily passed through the body. Digestively, the strong anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic qualities of turmeric make it useful for detoxifying the digestive system.
Avoid Contaminated Foods: Prevention is the best way to deal with infections from tapeworms. General preventive practices should be observed, such as not eating undercooked and raw meats, the primary host of the larvae tapeworms, and washing hands before consuming and preparing food.
Stay Hydrated: Consume lots of warm water, with or without salt or lemon to draw out the toxins and parasites from the digestive system. Hydration is essential for maintaining normal bowel movements. These are important for the removal of tapeworms from the body.
Apart from diet modification, regular exercise, good sleep, and reduction in stress will also contribute toward maintaining healthy immunity, thus preventing infections.

Yoga and Pranayama (Yoga for Tapeworm)

The practices of yoga help aid in digestion and increase the level of immunity. Such increases the chances of reducing the infection of worms:
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation): Surya Namaskar is a dynamic yoga sequence that increases the metabolic rate. Increased metabolism helps the digestive system to work better. It's a scenario that benefits the body because a robust, properly working digestive system has minimal chances of infection by parasites as the enhanced digestive fire removes the toxins from the body, and there are lesser chances of the parasite-resembling trashes piling up in the intestine.
Kapalbhati Pranayama: A very effective breathing technique, Kapalabhati massages all the internal organs in the abdominal region, which indirectly works on the digestive system and even induces body heat, leading to detoxification, removal of toxins, and even parasites like the tapeworm. This practice stimulates the immune system, thereby making the body quite more resistant to infections.

Jiva Ayurveda combines the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with modern scientific approaches to offer holistic health care. Personalised treatment plans, consultancy by experts, and superior herbal remedies all under one roof at Jiva Ayurveda make them effective in handling tapeworm infections and other serious health issues. Jiva's therapies do not just reverse the root cause of the problem; they rejuvenate the body in such a manner as to ensure long-term health and energy. With comprehensive care, Jiva Ayurveda takes you on your way to becoming completely well.


Common tapeworm symptoms in humans include gastrointestinal upsets, loss of weight, and weakness. Segments of the tapeworm are visibly present in stools. If left untreated, the infection may result in the parasite entering the brain or eyes.

Tapeworm on the skin is not a commonly seen symptom since some forms of parasitic infections may result in skin rashes or allergic reactions due to increased immune responses.

The tapeworm's scientific name depends on the species, and the most common are Taenia solium (pork tapeworm), and Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm).

Yes, neurocysticercosis is a condition that tapeworm in the brain can cause. When larvae settle in brain tissues, it causes seizures, headaches, and neurological diseases.

Tapeworm infection can be treated with anti-parasitic drugs, Ayurvedic herbal remedies, detoxification techniques like Panchakarma, and dietary modifications that involve expulsion of the parasitic organism and restoration of health to the digestive system.

The tapeworm life cycle involves eggs that hatch to form larvae attaching to the intestines and maturing into adult tapeworms. The cycle continues through segments filled with eggs passed out in the host's faeces.

Tapeworms belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes, commonly known as flatworms.

Tapeworm in the eye is an extremely rare phenomenon that may be caused by the invasion of larvae into ocular tissues, bringing about disturbances in vision.

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