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Causes of Diabetes

Do you notice increased thirst, frequent urination, or unexpected weight loss? These might be signs of diabetes. Learn the Ayurvedic and modern causes of diabetes to better manage and prevent this condition. Book a Free Consultation today.

Diabetes is a condition where the body has difficulty managing blood glucose, causing health issues in case it is not properly controlled. In other words, excessive sugar in your blood can disrupt your health. Unlike modern treatments which use a symptomatic approach, Ayurveda tries to tackle the source of the issue. It helps regain balance and overall health to help manage & prevent diabetes. This holistic method not only helps manage the disease but also improves complete well-being.

Ayurvedic Causes of Diabetes

In Ayurveda, diabetes or Madhumeha is defined by metabolic issues and high sugar in blood and urine. This is considered mainly a Kapha dosha imbalance although Pitta and Vata doshas can also be involved in the disease progression. Understanding these imbalances is important for effectively controlling diabetes:

Dosha Imbalance:

  • Kapha: Central to diabetes, an excess of Kapha causes slowed metabolic processes and excess sugars in the blood.
    Vata & Pitta: These doshas must be in balance with Kapha to maintain optimum metabolic functions and avoid needless complications.

Other Ayurvedic Causes:

  • Genetic Factors: Inherited traits can make someone more prone to diabetes.
    Dietary Habits: Overindulgence in sweet, heavy and cold foods increases Kapha and disturbs metabolic equilibrium.
    Lifestyle Mismanagement: Inactive lifestyle and insufficient exercise also exacerbate metabolic problems.

Environmental and Behavioral Contributors:

  • Poor Sleep Patterns: Sleeping during the day and being awake at night can disturb body rhythms and metabolism.
    Seasonal Variations: Modifications in weather could make Kapha aggravated, particularly in cold damp seasons.

Ayurveda treats diabetes by recommending a balanced diet plan which stimulates the digestive fire (Agni) and lifestyle modifications including regular exercise and stress management. Focusing on these elements, Ayurveda seeks to control diabetes, restore balance and improve vitality.

Modern Causes of Diabetes

Simply, when there is too much sugar in your bloodstream, it causes diabetes. This can be due to several different causes. Modern day medicine identifies many triggers for this condition:

  • Genetic Predisposition: In case your close family members have diabetes, you are more likely to get it as well, suggesting a genetic link.
  • Diet: Consuming excessive processed foods and sugar could cause Type 2 diabetes.
  • Physical Inactivity: Not exercising frequently can add fat, particularly around the abdomen, making cells much more resistant to insulin.
  • Insulin Resistance: This is a typical complication of Type 2 diabetes where body cells don't respond usually to insulin and the pancreas has to produce a lot more insulin.
  • Autoimmune Reaction: In Type 1 diabetes, the immune system mistakenly strikes and kills insulin producing cells within the pancreas.
  • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal imbalances which impact insulin action could lead to diabetes, including during pregnancy and hormonal problems.

New studies continue to explore exactly how these factors contribute to diabetes and find more efficient treatments for diabetes. Understanding these modern causes of diabetes can help make lifestyle modifications and medical interventions to control diabetes.


Understanding diabetes requires recognition of the different causes ranging from genetic factors to lifestyle choices. Ayurveda goes further and targets the underlying imbalances of the doshas (particularly Kapha) aiming at more than symptom management. It restores harmony and balance in the body by addressing the underlying causes of diabetes. The natural healing process starts with understanding the causes of diabetes. Visit an Ayurvedic specialist today for getting a customised treatment plan that can complement your health journey.

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