Successful Treatments
Sight, the sense of smell and soundswe hear, open up the world for us. Nature has given special importance to sense organs by placing them on the head.
Diseases of these special organs are caused by excessive or improper use, or environmental factors which are explained in Ayurveda as AstamyaIndriyarthSanyog and Parinam. Constant use of electronic screens, listening to music, being in a noisy environment, working in dimly lit conditions or being exposed to very bright lights are some examples of improper use of the organs and environmental factors. Eating non-nutritious foods, smoking, improper personal hygiene are also contributing factors. In Ayurveda, these diseases are treated and managed under the special Shalakya Tantra branch.
Begin your personalised healing journey at Jiva Ayurveda by consulting an Ayurvedic ENT specialist today. Jiva specialists have already treated thousands of patience for eye, nose, throat and oral disorders with Ayurvedic treatment and holistic diet and lifestyle plans over the last 27 years.
Every person is unique, hence treatment for the person’s disease must be unique too. Jiva doctors take
the Ayunique™ approach, which includes:
Completely personalized authentic Ayurvedic medicines based on thorough diagnosis of the root-cause
Throughout your treatment journey, a team of health coaches stay connected with you to track your relief progress and help with your health queries.
Customized remedy including diet, therapy and lifestyle planners designed by your doctor to compliment the medicines for holistic treatment of the root-cause
Get long-term relief from your
Eye, ENT & Oral problems.
Tonsillitis had become a regular problem for every winter. I took some medicines and did gargles but it was not the long-term solution I was looking for. A friend recommended Jiva for Ayurvedic treatment, and I started taking medicines. This winter, I did not wake up even one morning with a sore throat.
I tried different mouthwashes and toothpastes to get rid of the bad breathe. Nothing worked for more than a few hours. Doctor suggested surgery. I did not know that Ayurveda could work so well, but when I started taking medicines from Jiva, I saw a change in just 1 month. My treatment went on for 3 months, the odour is gone and now I feel much better about myself.
Cataract is a vision problem. My son was 12 when he had to start wearing thick lenses to see the blackboard in his classroom. It was the beginning of a worrisome future. After the power in his lenses on kept on increasing, I understood that it was not the right solution. That’s when I brought him to Jiva. Now he can see the board without glasses.