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Get Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment for Adenoids

Explore the natural and holistic approach of Ayurveda for managing Adenoids through customised care at Jiva Ayurveda. Our targeted treatment plans include a combination of Ayurvedic therapies, HACCP-certified medications and diet guidelines to address symptoms associated with Adenoids.

What are Adenoids?

Adenoids are located at the back part of the nasal cavity; these tissues are regarded as an essential body’s immune-related tissue, especially when a person is young. Such tissues are located strategically in the body and help capture any bacterial or viral infection from the mouth and nose. However, it is worth noting that these tissues can swell up or suffer inflammation due to allergies or infections. This condition is often known as Adenoid Hypertrophy, which blocks the nasal passageways, leading to poor breathing, recurring infections, and sleep-related problems. Chronic issues may sometimes require treatment because Adenoids can be expected to shrink with age.

Adenoidal problems include minor inflammation, which should be treated on time. It is typically accepted that the faith and practice of Ayurveda can help to ease Adenoidal illness since Ayurveda seeks to heal the root and the body to reduce the chances of re-infection or aid defence mechanisms.

Common Causes of Adenoids

Some children may have a genetic predisposition to Adenoid swelling, which may be aggravated by allergenic infections or environmental irritants, leading to frequent inflammation. Ayurvedic practice, however, gives more attention to diet, lifestyle, and other environmental factors. Once you know what to look for when diagnosing Adenoid Euhaidobacteria issues, it is easier to prevent their development in the first place. Some of the significant causes for Adenoids include:

Recurrent Infections: Viral or bacterial infections of adenoids can reoccur and often lead to some swelling.

Chronic Exposure: Obstructive chronic adenoiditis can be linked to chronic inflammation caused by pollution, such as smoke or allergens.

Immune Reactions: It has been argued that an excess immune response, especially in children, can lead to Adenoid Hypertrophy.

Family History: Family illnesses, especially those relating to respiratory deficiencies and immune variables, may be a risk factor for developing Adenoid issues.

Signs and Symptoms of Adenoid Hypertrophy

Recognising the signs and halting procedures are relevant towards helping children avoid more severe surgical interventions. Some common impairments and abnormal functions of Adenoids, which often lead to issues, include:


Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion and blockage persist for hours, especially around bedtime.

Breathing Difficulties

Enlarged adenoids make breathing more complex for children through their noses, which may lead to sleep apnea or recurrent snoring.

Frequent Infections

Inflammation and reddening of ears and sinuses lead to recurring ear, sinus, or throat infections.

Painful or Sore Throat

High difficulty swallowing for a prolonged period or a sore throat caused by blocked nasal passages.

Sleep Interruptions

Non-effective air flows through the airway, leading to frequent awakening or inability to withstand bouts of sleep without waking up and suffering from fatigue.

Speech Changes

This can be attributed to nasal obstruction due to cold weather.

Are you going through any of these symptoms?

Nasal Congestion
Breathing Difficulties
Frequent Infections
Painful or Sore Throat
Sleep Interruptions
Speech Changes

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

  • Congested nose for many days
  • Some difficulty in breathing, mainly while sleeping
  • Infection of the ear, sinus or throat frequently
  • Difficulty in swallowing or pain in the throat
  • Sleep being interrupted or noise while breathing
  • Speech resembling that of a person with a blocked nose

Jiva Ayunique™ Treatment Philosophy - A Holistic Approach to Adenoids

Jiva Ayurveda's approach to adenoid treatment is evidence-based Ayurveda, focusing on the root cause of Adenoid Hypertrophy. Rather than simply treating the signs, we advocate for a global approach to curing the underlying problem.

Core Principles of the Jiva Ayunique™ Treatment Philosophy

HACCP Certified Ayurvedic Medicines: Scientifically formulated, these medicines enhance and restore homeostasis in the body whilst promoting immune fitness.

Yoga, Meditation & Mindfulness: These enhance effective breathing, boost immunity and improve general health status.

Ayurvedic Therapies: Therapies such as Nasya, Abhyanga, and Swedana cleanse the organism, harmonise lung function, correct pathological processes, and restore normal breath.

Diet & Lifestyle Consultation: Jiva-certified doctors recommend foods to avoid for Adenoids for a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Adenoids

Ayurveda, which uses certain natural herbs and remedies to enhance immunity, decrease inflammation, and thoroughly cure adenoids and related problems, can manage adenoids and related problems.

Triphala: It is composed of three dried fruits. Triphala has a cleansing action and helps boost immunity.

Turmeric (Curcumin): It is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties help maintain respiratory function.

Guggul: It supports the immune response and balances respiratory health.

Ashwagandha: It helps reduce oxidative stress and balances overall immune resilience.

Licorice Root: It soothes mucous membranes and provides relief from chronic irritation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Adenoids

What are adenoids?

Adenoids are lymphatic tissue that is part of the immune system and is located at the upper back of the throat, behind the nose.

What are common symptoms of Adenoid Hypertrophy?

Common complaints include nasal blockage, snoring, mouth-breathing, and recurrent throat or ear infections.

What is the ideal age for adenoid removal?

Adenoids are often removed if patients develop complications during their late childhood years, generally between the ages of 7 to 12. But every case is different.

What is Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma?

Adenoid cystic carcinoma is an uncommon malignancy of the salivary glands that is unrelated to the adenoids' benign enlargement.

Can Adenoids grow back after removal?

Adenoids do not usually grow back after surgery. However, tiny bits of residual tissue can sometimes lead to minor problems.

What foods should be avoided for Adenoid health?

In Ayurveda, spicy, sour, and refined foods are cautioned against because they are believed to further inflame the sinuses and adenoids.

Is there a difference between adenoids and tonsils?

Both adenoids and tonsils fall under lymphatic tissues, but adenoids are situated in the nasopharynx region, whereas the tonsils are located on either side at the back of the throat.

How is Adenoid inflammation diagnosed?

The diagnosis is based on clinical examination and imaging techniques to assess the size of the adenoids when required.

Is it possible to use Ayurvedic therapy for Adenoid inflammation without relying on drugs?

Ayurvedic management includes lifestyle, diet, and herbal therapies that can control symptoms and decrease inflammation.

What does your doctor mean when they use the term Adenoid Hypertrophy?

Adenoid hypertrophy is the excessive growth of adenoids, treated by medication or surgery in rare cases of affected severity.

Can Adults Have Adenoids?

Adenoid problems are quite possible in adults with chronic respiratory system diseases, although they are less common.

Does a healthy lifestyle help prevent Adenoid issues?

Yes, eating an appropriate balanced diet, preventing allergic reactions, and minimising exposure to inflammatory agents greatly help reduce the chance of adenoid inflammation.

What is the difference between Adenoids and Tonsils?

The tonsils at the back of the throat catch germs that enter through the mouth, while the adenoids, situated behind the nose and on the roof of the mouth, catch germs that enter through the nose. As people age, their tonsils typically stay the same size or shrink slightly, but their adenoids usually shrink.

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