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Get Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment for Chicken Pox

Chicken pox is an infection caused by varicella-zoster virus and causes itchy rashes with small, fluid-filled blisters all over the body. Ayurveda offers supportive care to help soothe symptoms and prevent complications, and many people are turning to Ayurvedic Treatment for Chicken Pox. Read on to find out more.

What is chicken pox?

Chicken pox is a viral infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It brings on itchy rashes with small, fluid-filled blisters and spreads very easily to people who haven’t had the disease or haven’t gotten the chicken pox vaccine. This used to be a widespread infection, but today vaccination protects children from getting this disease.



Loss of appetite



General feeling of being unwell

Are you going through any of these symptoms?

Loss of appetite
General feeling of being unwell

Chicken pox stages

Once a rash appears, it goes through three stages.

  • Raised bumps called papules, which break out over the next few days
  • Small fluid-filled blisters known as vesicles, which form in one day and then break and leak out
  • Crusts and scabs, which cover the broken blisters and take a couple more days to heal

The disease is mild in healthy children, but sometimes, the rash can cover the whole body and blisters may form in the throat and eyes. The rash also may form in tissue that lines the inside of urethra, anus and vagina.

Chicken pox causes

The infection is caused by the virus called varicella-zoster. Chicken pox is contagious and an infected person can spread the virus to other people for up to 48 hours before the rash appears, and an infected person stays contagious until all broken blisters have crusted over. Some ways this infection can be spread:

  • Chicken pox can be spread through direct contact with an infected person’s rash
  • It can also spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes and you breathe in the air droplets containing the virus

Chicken pox complications

While uncommon, in a few cases chicken pox can cause complications, such as:

  • Bacterial infection in skin, soft tissues, bones, joints or bloodstream
  • Dehydration
  • Pneumonia
  • Swelling of brain
  • Toxic shock syndrome
  • Reye’s syndrome

People who are at higher risk of suffering from complications due to chicken pox are:

  • Newborns and infants whose mothers never had the vaccine
  • Teens and adults
  • Pregnant women who never had chicken pox
  • Smokers
  • People with cancer or HIV
  • People with chronic conditions that take medicine to calm down the immune response
  • People who have had an organ transplant and take medication to limit immune system’s action

Chicken pox marks

Chicken pox marks, also known as post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation or post-inflammatory hypo-pigmentation are blemishes on the skin that can occur after a chicken pox infection. They are round, sunken and darker/lighter than the surrounding skin and can range from 5-10 mm in diameter.
These happen due to the body’s immune response to the virus, which results in the skin getting damaged during the healing process. Scratching the blisters can also cause scarring.

Chicken pox precautions

If you live with someone who is infected with chicken pox, here are some necessary precautions that need to be taken to prevent the spread of infection:

  • Avoid contact with the infected person
  • Keep the infected person away from public areas
  • Wash hands thoroughly and frequently
  • Disinfect surfaces that an infected person may have touched
  • Keep infected children at home
  • Trim fingernails to prevent infections that can be caused by scratching the itchy rashes

Chicken Pox Treatment in Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, chicken pox or laghu masurika is caused due to vitiation (degradation) of tridoshas. Ayurvedic treatment is not limited to just alleviating the symptoms, it focuses on thorough treatment of the condition.

Herbal Remedies

Haridra (Turmeric) - it has antibacterial and antibiotic properties and is known as a natural bruise and wound healer. When given orally, it can reduce itching, fight bacteria and provide relief from inflammation
Yashtimadhu (Liquorice) - it is a bittersweet herb and has natural healing and blood-purifying properties
Guduchi (Giloy/Heart-leaved moonseed) - it is a bitter tasting herb that improves immunity levels in all three doshas and helps improve overall health
Manjishtha - it is a pungent-tasting herb and is known as the best herb for blood purification
Nimba (Neem) - it is a bitter-tasting astringent herb and has antiviral and disinfectant properties

Dietary Adjustments

Include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and adequate fluids in your diet. Avoid processed foods, excessive salt, sugar and fried foods.

Panchakarma Therapies

Vamana therapy is used to eliminate toxins from the body by inducing vomiting. Snehana/Oleation therapy and Swedana/Sudation therapy are done before Vamana therapy to prepare the body for Panchakarma.

Lifestyle Modifications

Taking proper rest, maintaining proper hygiene and avoiding scratching the blisters to prevent infection and scarring are important steps to be taken. The infected person should also avoid leaving their room, as they could possibly infect someone else as well.

Meditation and Yoga

Deep breathing exercises and meditation reduce stress, support the immune system and promote overall well-being during the recovery period.

External Therapies

Coconut oil, neem oil or sandalwood oil can be applied to get relief from itching and promote healing of the skin as well.

Jiva’s Evidence-Based Treatment Process

Nadi Pariksha

Jiva’s certified ayurvedic doctors use this traditional pulse diagnosis to detect imbalances and assess organ health, which is crucial for diagnosing chicken pox accurately.

Prakriti Analysis

Gaining an understanding of the unique physical and psychological pattern of your body allows us to create a chicken pox treatment plan that addresses your symptoms as well as promoting overall health.

Samprapti Ghatak (Pathogenesis)

The progression of chicken pox is investigated through examining hygiene, dietary habits, lifestyle and mental health factors. This thorough investigation helps identify specific triggers that need to be addressed for targeted treatment.

Chikitsa Sutra

A detailed chicken pox treatment plan is created, which includes diet modifications, lifestyle adjustments, herbal medications and specific therapies which aim to restore the balance of the three doshas and enhance overall health.

Continuous Monitoring and Amendments

Continuous tracking of the effectiveness of the treatment allows us to make necessary adjustments, ensuring that the best results are achieved for you from your personalised and Ayurvedic Treatment for Chicken Pox with Jiva’s ongoing support.

What Our Patients Say

87% of patients rate us excellent in service.
78% of patients saw significant improvement in 3 months of treatment.
92% of patients stopped allopathic medicines completely.


Chicken pox marks and scars can be removed naturally by applying coconut oil which helps in the reduction of appearance of the scars.

The following foods should be avoided during chicken pox, as they can worsen the symptoms or slow down the recovery process:

  • Spicy and oily foods
  • Salty foods
  • Hard and crunchy foods
  • Fatty foodsAcidic foods
  • Excess sugar and processed foods
  • Allergenic foods

Apart from the normal chicken pox, there are two more types of chicken pox, namely, bullous chicken pox and disseminated varicella. Disseminated varicella is more serious, as in this variation the virus spreads to the body’s organs and can be especially dangerous for people who have weakened immune systems.

An infected person is contagious from 1-2 days before rash appears and remains contagious until all blisters have crusted or scabbed over.

The chicken pox vaccine is 90% effective at preventing the disease, whereas it is 100% effective at preventing severe cases. Vaccinated people who get the disease have a mild infection with fewer spots and no fever. They can, however, still spread the disease to those who are not vaccinated.

The disease often needs no medical treatment for healthy children. Some medicine can be taken to calm the itchiness caused by rashes, otherwise the disease just needs to run its course.

There are a few things you can do at home to help ease symptoms while the body heals.

  • Take a lukewarm bath with oatmeal or baking soda
  • Apply calamine lotion on itchy spots
  • Take anti-allergens to control the itching
  • Get ample amount of rest

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