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Symptoms of Dermatitis

That constant urge to scratch that dry, inflamed skin – these are classic symptoms of dermatitis. Learn how Ayurveda addresses your skin condition by first guiding you through the symptoms and offering a holistic approach. Book free consultation today with Jiva Ayurveda.

Do you know why your skin has been feeling so itchy lately? You are most likely dealing with a condition called dermatitis, or more commonly known as eczema. It causes your skin to become dry, itchy, red, and inflamed, leaving you frustrated.

Why Does Dermatitis Happen?

Ayurveda considers that dermatitis happens when the body’s doshas or energies are out of balance. This imbalance can disrupt the skin’s natural health and functioning, making way for conditions like dermatitis. Through the use of herbs, dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, and stress-reduction techniques, Ayurveda naturally rebalances the body's internal energies, improving your skin health significantly.

Early Symptoms of Dermatitis

If your goal is to manage dermatitis well in time then it is important to recognize the early symptoms first, these include:
Redness and rash: Red, swollen spots on the skin, often accompanied by a rash, are a common early indicator of dermatitis. Although it can happen anywhere on the body, the face, hands, and feet are the most commonly affected areas.
Dryness and itching: The skin may feel tight, dry, and itchy. Scratching just makes the problem worse, causing more skin discomfort.
Flaky skin: The skin may peel and flake due to the development of dry spots. This is mostly an indication of skin irritation brought on by environmental elements like weather or chemical exposure.
Swelling: The infected areas may have mild swelling as a result of inflammation, which can lead to discomfort and sensitivity.

As the early signs of dermatitis worsen, the discomfort could get much worse than expected. Persistent irritation can result from minor redness or itching that gradually progresses into more severe inflammation. It's also very likely that the affected location may spread to other sections of your body as the problem worsens. The skin may become more sensitive and painful to the touch. Scratching the irritated regions can not only further aggravate the condition but can also lead to the skin breaking open, which can result in fissures, scabbing, or bleeding. Thus, Ayurveda immensely stresses on managing dermatitis immediately.

Advanced Symptoms of Dermatitis

Untreated or poorly managed dermatitis can result in more serious symptoms that can have a negative impact on your day-to-day activities.
Severe pain and itching: As the inflammation progresses, the itching gets worse and can cause excessive scratching, which can result in open sores. In addition, these open sores may grow more prone to infection and can even turn painful.
Thickened skin: A condition called lichenification, which is brought on by prolonged dermatitis, can make the skin thicker and leathery in texture.
Risk of infection: Bacteria or fungi can readily penetrate the skin when the skin barrier is weakened, as in advanced dermatitis, and cause infections that exacerbate the condition.
Scarring: When the skin is harmed by continuous inflammation and scratching, it can cause scarring.

It's time to seek personalized guidance from an Ayurvedic Expert if you suffer from severe itching, thickening of the skin, or persistent redness - clearly the red flags of dermatitis. The holistic method of Ayurveda restores balance by focusing on both the symptoms and the root causes of dermatitis. Give your skin the care it deserves through Ayurveda’s trusted methods.

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