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Get Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment for Rickets

Explore the benefits of Ayur-Science treatment for Rickets with Jiva Ayurveda. Get customised treatments that blend traditional herbs, dietary advice, HACCP certified Ayurvedic medicines and lifestyle changes, all under the guidance of top Ayurvedic experts in India.

What is Rickets?

Rickets is a health condition that mostly affects children, causing their bones to become soft and weak. This can cause bones to bend and deform (bowed legs or curved spines) and can also cause bone pain and growth retardation. Rickets develop when a child lacks vitamin D, which helps absorb calcium and phosphorus - two minerals that are important for strong bones. Without sufficient vitamin D, the body can't maintain the right levels of these minerals in the bones, resulting in soft, weak bones.
This is different from Osteomalacia, the adult form of Rickets that develops after bones cease growing. Adults with Osteomalacia show bone softening without the bone deformities seen in case of Rickets. Both conditions, however, involve similar vitamin deficiencies.
Rickets were very common in past centuries, but now it can be prevented largely with proper nutrition and sunlight exposure, which helps the body to naturally make vitamin D. Making sure children get enough calcium in their diet is also important for Rickets prevention and treatment.

Common Causes of Rickets

Rickets is mainly caused by a lack of nutrients that are essential for bone development in children. This deficiency results in softer and weaker bones and may cause several physical changes and discomfort in young children.

The following are common causes of Rickets:
Vitamin D Deficiency: The most common reason for Rickets is insufficient vitamin D, which is required to take in or absorb phosphorus and calcium from the diet. Children's bones can not mineralise or harden properly without enough vitamin D.
Calcium Deficiency: Low dietary calcium can also cause Rickets directly, especially if dietary vitamin D is low. Calcium is necessary for strong bones and its deficiency in a child's diet can worsen the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.
Limited Sunlight Exposure: The human body produces enough vitamin D when the skin is exposed to direct sunlight. Kids who live in locations where sunshine is restricted, put on full body coverings or spend little time outside are at greater risk of vitamin D deficiency.
Poor Diet: A diet plan low in nutrients like vitamin D and calcium can lead to Rickets. This happens occasionally in children on a strict vegan diet without proper supplementation.
Genetic Factors: Some kinds of Rickets are also inherited. These genetic disorders impact how the body utilises phosphorus and vitamin D, which are vital to bone strength.
Medical Conditions: A few medical issues including celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, cystic fibrosis, and kidney disorders impair the body's ability to absorb vitamin D or convert it into a form that the body can use.

Signs and Symptoms of Rickets

Rickets affect skeletal growth and development in a child. Early detection and treatment of Rickets can prevent serious bone deformities. Knowing the signs and symptoms may help parents or caregivers recognise this medical concern.
The most noticeable signs and symptoms of Rickets are:


Bowed Legs

The most obvious Rickets sign in toddlers and young children is bowing of the legs. This happens because bones are unable to bear the weight of the body and bend outward.

Bone Pain

Kids with Rickets report soreness or tenderness of bones, typically in the legs, spine and pelvis. This pain may affect their mobility and mood.

Delayed Growth

Rickets can cause slowed growth and development in children. This may show up as reduced stature or delayed milestones in walking and standing.


Muscle weakness is common in children with Rickets and can make standing up or maintaining balance difficult, resulting in frequent falls.

Skeletal Deformities

Other skeletal abnormalities apart from bowed legs include an abnormally shaped chest (pigeon chest) or skull, or thickening of the wrists and ankles.

Dental Problems

Rickets may also affect the formation of teeth, causing defects, delayed tooth eruption and increased risk of cavities.

Rachitic Rosary

Children may develop a noticeable bumpiness at costochondral junctions (where ribs meet cartilages) called Rachitic Rosary, resembling the beads of a rosary.

Are you going through any of these symptoms?

Bowed Legs
Bone Pain
Delayed Growth
Skeletal Deformities
Dental Problems
Rachitic Rosary

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

  • Bowed legs or legs curving outward
  • Persistent pain in the bones
  • Slower growth or development
  • Weakness or struggle with standing up or walking
  • Skeletal deformities
  • Dental issues or delayed tooth eruption
  • Bead-like bumps along your child’s rib cage

Jiva Ayunique™ Treatment Philosophy - A Holistic Approach to Rickets

Jiva Ayurveda offers holistic Ayurvedic treatment of Rickets using evidence-based Ayurveda. The treatment plans are customised to target the very root causes of the disease, and instead of just treating symptoms, they focus on holistic healing, balance and stability in totality.

Core Principles of the Jiva Ayunique™ Treatment Philosophy

HACCP certified Ayurvedic medicines: Scientifically-formulated mixtures that restore the body’s energy balance and promote emotional stability.
Yoga, Meditation & Mindfulness: These calming practices promote mental wellness and complete wellbeing.
Ayurvedic Treatments: Therapies like Panchakarma and various massage therapies detox the body and stabilise the emotional health.
Diet and Lifestyle Changes: Expert guidance on customising your diet and lifestyle for better health results.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Rickets

Ayurveda provides several natural remedies for Rickets based on herbs that strengthen the bones and improve overall health. These herbs are usually used to balance the body’s energies and facilitate absorption of nutrients like calcium and vitamin D for bone development.

The most effective herbs used in Ayurveda for Rickets are:
Amalaki: Amalaki or Indian gooseberry strengthens the immune system and increases general vitality for better bone health.
Bala: Bala is a strengthening herb. It improves muscle and bone strength and is thus recommended for children with Rickets.
Prawal (Coral): Prepared as Prawal Pishti, this calcium-containing natural product is used in Ayurveda to strengthen bones and joints.
Guggulu: Guggulu is traditionally used to lower inflammation but also helps in mineralisation of the bones.
Triphala: A staple in Ayurvedic medicine, Triphala promotes overall health and helps with maintaining a balanced system, indirectly supporting bone health.
Shigru (Moringa): The high calcium content makes Shigru particularly useful for strengthening the bones in children.
Ashok: Mostly used for female health, Ashok also offers benefits for bone density and strength.
Laksha: It's a natural coagulant and it is used in Ayurvedic treatments to heal the bones and support their density.
Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha reduces stress and strengthens bone density, which is good for kids with Rickets.
Shatavari: As a nutritive tonic, Shatavari promotes healthy bones and overall growth in children.


Prevention of Rickets starts with early childhood. Ayurveda stresses on balanced nutrition and lifestyle from infancy to promote bone growth.

Ayurveda can help control the symptoms of Rickets and improve bone health using herbal remedies and therapeutic treatment methods. This can help prevent as well as cure Rickets from its source.

The vitamin D produced by the body due to sunlight exposure helps in absorbing calcium that is important for Rickets prevention and treatment.

A diet high in calcium and vitamins (dairy, and fruits such as Amalaki, green vegetables) is recommended for better bone health.

Gentle yoga poses that build flexibility and strength can be helpful for Rickets but should be done under guidance of an Ayurvedic expert to avoid issues.

Ayurvedic practitioners recommend regular visits to adjust treatment methods and monitor the progress of the child.

Ayurveda recommends regular, moderate sun exposure and balanced eating as key lifestyle changes to prevent and manage Rickets.

Yes, prenatal care that includes a balanced diet and sufficient vitamin D can lessen the risk of Rickets in newborns.

Early signs of Rickets such as delayed growth or bone tenderness are basic indicators to see an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha and Amalaki are generally safe for toddlers but must be taken under the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner.

The duration for improvements in children with Rickets may vary but some changes may be noticed within a few months of consistent Ayurvedic treatment and dietary changes.

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