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Get Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment for hepatomegaly

At Jiva Ayurveda, our treatment towards hepatomegaly starts from its very aetiology and helps it to achieve its natural healing impulse. Herbal medicines, Panchakarma therapies, and some proper lifestyle alterations work in harmony with the bod's mechanism to help it deal with the liver and all hepatomegaly issues. Whether it is mild hepatomegaly or related to fatty liver, our approach towards overall liver health will improve this situation. Call now for a free consultation and take this natural path towards liver recovery.

What is Hepatomegaly?

Hepatomegaly or enlargement of the liver is due to various causes such as infections, metabolic disorders, or excessive fat accumulation in the liver-fatty liver. The degree may be mild, moderate, or severe and may coexist with grades of fatty liver, for example, grade 1 or grade 2, wherein physical examinations or imaging studies are revealed, and timely treatment is necessary to avoid progress.


Abdominal discomfort or pain

It is one of the most common symptoms of hepatomegaly - a feeling of soreness or pain in the abdominal area, mainly at the right side, just below the ribs. This happens because the liver, when enlarged, starts exerting pressure on surrounding organs and tissues, thus causing pain or even a feeling of fullness. The aching might be dull or even sharp, localised, in nature as it happens in movements or exercises. In extreme cases, the growth may interfere with normal body functions and cause more pain.


An enlarged liver may lead to chronic fatigue due to the importance of the liver in energy metabolism. If the liver is enlarged or performs poorly, it affects the functioning of the organ in removing toxins, processing nutrients, and regulation of metabolism. This leads to a lack of energy, making the patient feel drained, even after minimal exertion. This fatigue can be extreme and constant, resulting in consequences to the individual to gain a usual day of activities and decrease general quality of living.


Jaundice is the yellowing of the skin and the eyes, another major symptom of hepatomegaly, showing that the liver can no longer perform its role of metabolising and excreting bilirubin, a yellow-coloured pigment found in the blood. Bilateral buildup of bilirubin in the blood gives rise to a yellowish discoloration in the skin and in the ocular tissues when the liver is enlarged and overburdened. These are manifestations that reflect varying degrees of liver dysfunction, and other signs often accompany them, including dark urine, pale stools, and severe itching, demonstrating that the impairment has reached an advanced stage in the liver.

Are you going through any of these symptoms?

Abdominal discomfort or pain

Hepatomegaly Causes

Hepatomegaly arises due to many causes:
Alcoholic Liver Disease: Prolonged and excessive alcohol consumption is another common cause of hepatomegaly. Alcohol leads to inflammation within the liver; thus, swelling and fat accumulation are experienced. Gradually, it may bring about alcoholic liver disease, in which a massive enlargement of the liver and damage to the liver's function develop. Continued abuse with alcohol escalates up to cirrhosis, one of the extreme liver damage cases.
Infections: The liver can become enlarged due to several infections, including hepatitis, mononucleosis, and bacterial infections. For instance, certain types of viral hepatitis directly affect the liver, which triggers inflammation in the organ and may lead to hepatomegaly. Systemic infections involving the liver also occur in the body's immune response against pathogens.
Metabolic Disorders: The most common causes of hepatomegaly are of metabolic nature. Obesity, diabetes, and NAFLD contribute to this pathology. These conditions cause the creation of fat within the liver, which leads to the enlargement and dysfunction of the organ. The risk for enlargement is compounded in metabolic disorders by insulin resistance, which always accompanies them.
Congestive Heart Failure: In other cases, the poor heart function results in moderate hepatomegaly. Such hepatomegaly is bound to occur when the tendency of the blood, that the failing heart is not pumping in a good manner, is to seep back into the liver and make it enlarged. This type of hepatomegaly very often occurs along with various other signs of heart failure. For example, some common signs that accompany this type of hepatomegaly are swelling in the legs and difficulty in breathing.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Hepatomegaly

Ayurvedic treatment for hepatomegaly aims to detoxify the liver, balance doshas, and restore overall liver health.

Herbal Remedies (Ayurvedic Medicine for Hepatomegaly)

Some Ayurvedic herbs help in supporting liver activity and relieving hepatomegaly. It includes:
Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa): Kutki has known active properties against liver ailments, where it works hepato-protective with detoxification of the liver, reducing inflammation, and improving its function in general. In diseases such as fatty liver and liver enlargement, it works because it enhances the natural restoration of the liver.
Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri): One of the herbs that acts to support biliary juice production and enhances natural detoxification processes in the body is Bhumyamalaki. It is a regenerator of liver cells; therefore, it helps the liver restore itself from destruction caused by hepatomegaly.
Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa): This herb is an excellent anti-inflammatory and diuretic, which reduces the swelling of the liver. It can be very beneficial for slight hepatomegaly because it promotes the expulsion of excess fluid and has inflammation-reducing properties.
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia): Guduchi enhances patient resistance to infection and treatment of inflammatory liver disorders by activating the natural repair processes of the liver. Guduchi also helps in the restoration of normal energy strength, thus aiding in recovery from conditions with liver enlargement.

Detoxification and Panchakarma for Hepatomegaly

Panchakarma therapies are considered foundational in the treatment of hepatomegaly according to Ayurvedic treatment since they cleanse the liver, therefore making it recover and get rid of all the accumulated toxins within it.
Virechana (Purgation Therapy): This is the purgative therapy whose intention is to cleanse the liver and intestines. It helps regain the normal functioning of the liver and shrink the size of an enlarged liver, especially in cases of fatty liver.
Basti (Medicated Enema): Basti therapy focuses on detoxifying the colon, which in turn supports liver health. By balancing the Vata dosha, Basti improves overall liver function and aids in managing hepatomegaly.
Rasayana Therapy: Rasayana therapy helps rejuvenate and consolidate the liver after the detoxification process. It improves the long-term health of the liver by restoring the tissues of the liver and enhancing biological potency.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes

Ayurvedic treatment for hepatomegaly lays major emphasis on maintaining diet and healthy ways of life that help the liver to function in a healthy manner.
Hepatomegaly Diet: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats like ghee is recommended. Some antioxidant-rich foods such as turmeric, leafy greens, and berries also help in maintaining the function and integrity of the liver.
Avoid Heavy, Fried, and Processed Foods: These may strain the liver and contribute to fat buildup, worsening conditions such as hepatomegaly with fatty liver. Ayurveda promotes light, easily digestible meals that will help ease the liver's workload.
Regular Hydration: Drinking warm water with lemon or herbs such as ginger will help facilitate the process of detoxification conducted by the liver and ensure maximum normal functionality.
Rest and Moderate Exercise: Rest is essential for the regeneration of the liver, but mild exercise, like yoga, helps in improving circulation, which further will be useful for the activation of the liver.
Yoga and Pranayama for Hepatomegaly
Yoga, coupled with breathing exercises, can be beneficial in managing hepatomegaly:
Pranayama (Breathing Exercises): Practices like Kapalbhati stimulate the liver, aiding in detoxification and improving its overall function.
Pawanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose): This yoga pose enhances digestion and reduces discomfort caused by liver enlargement, helping alleviate the symptoms of hepatomegaly.
Traditional Ayurvedic wisdom, paired with a holistic treatment approach, ensures a comprehensive solution to hepatomegaly. For customised care, contact Jiva Ayurveda and start your journey towards better liver health.


Hepatomegaly refers to the enlargement of the liver. This condition can range from mild to severe and is often associated with other liver issues, such as fatty liver disease.

Mild hepatomegaly is a slight enlargement of the liver that can be caused by conditions such as fatty liver or mild inflammation. It often presents with minimal symptoms but requires attention.

Hepatomegaly can be caused by fatty liver disease, alcohol abuse, viral infections (like hepatitis), or metabolic conditions like obesity and diabetes.

Common hepatomegaly symptoms include abdominal discomfort, fatigue, jaundice, and loss of appetite. These symptoms may vary based on the underlying cause and severity of liver enlargement.

Hepatomegaly with fatty liver grade 2 indicates a moderate level of fat accumulation in the liver, along with enlargement, which can impair liver function if untreated.

Ayurvedic treatment for hepatomegaly includes herbal medicines, Panchakarma detox therapies, and lifestyle changes aimed at detoxifying and rejuvenating the liver.

Mild hepatomegaly treatment in Ayurveda involves herbal remedies like Kutki and Bhumyamalaki, along with dietary changes and Panchakarma therapies to support liver detox and healing.

Borderline hepatomegaly means the liver is slightly enlarged but not enough to be classified as full hepatomegaly. It often requires lifestyle changes and regular monitoring.

The ICD-10 code for hepatomegaly is R16.0, used to indicate the diagnosis of liver enlargement in medical coding.

Hepatomegaly is often graded based on the extent of liver enlargement and associated fat infiltration, ranging from mild (grade 1) to severe (grade 2 or higher).

Yes, with proper Ayurvedic treatment, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications, hepatomegaly with fatty infiltration of the liver can be managed and even reversed in many cases.

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