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Get Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment for Polycythemia (Cancer)

Discover the natural healing power of Ayurveda for Polycythemia with Jiva Ayurveda. Receive a customised treatment plan that blends ancient remedies, HACCP certified Ayurvedic medicines, lifestyle changes and dietary guidance from the most experienced Ayurvedic practitioners in India. Consult a Jiva certified expert today.

What is Polycythemia? 

Polycythemia is a condition where your body makes too many red blood cells. These cells carry oxygen from your lungs to all your body. But too much red blood cells can make your blood thick and slow moving and result in issues like blood clots. This increase in red blood cells may happen for several reasons and understanding the kinds and stages of Polycythemia is important for managing the disorder.

In Ayurveda, Polycythemia Vera is considered as 'Raktavrudhi' or pathological increase in 'Rakta Dhatu' (blood tissue). Based on Ayurvedic texts, an imbalance in the generation and quality of Rakta Dhatu is related to 'Pitta Dosha', the body energy associated with the metabolic system.

Types of Polycythemia 

There are two types of Polycythemia:

  • Primary Polycythemia (Polycythemia Vera): This is a rare blood cancer which originates from the bone marrow where blood vessels are created. In Polycythemia vera, too many red blood cells and sometimes, too many white blood cells and platelets are created in the bone marrow. This type occurs generally in adults and progresses slowly.
  • Secondary Polycythemia: This kind isn't the result of a bone marrow issue. Rather, it happens because external factors signal the body to create more red blood cells. They can involve persistent exposure to low oxygen such as living at a very high elevation or lung diseases and even some tumours.

Stages of Polycythemia Vera

Polycythemia vera develops in several phases :

  • Early Stage: Early on, most people have no symptoms. That's why the condition might go unnoticed for a long time.
  • Symptomatic Stage: Initial indications of the disease include exhaustion, headaches, dizziness and itching following a hot shower or bath. The skin might even turn redder than before.
  • Advanced Stage (Spent Phase): In advanced stages, excessive production of blood cells might scar bone marrow. This particular scarring process, called myelofibrosis, could cause decreased blood cell production and anemia. Low red blood cell counts, increased bleeding, fatigue and risk of infection are the major symptoms of this stage.

It is important to understand the types and phases of Polycythemia for timely treatment. In case you or somebody you know shows such symptoms relating to increased red blood cell production, it is important to consult an Ayurvedic doctor. Early detection & treatment may help manage the symptoms and minimise the chance of complications.

Common Causes of Polycythemia 

When your body makes too many red blood cells, your blood becomes thicker and circulation slows down. This is why it becomes essential to understand the causes of  Polycythemia for timely diagnosis & management. Below are common reasons Polycythemia could develop:

Causes of Primary Polycythemia (Polycythemia Vera)

  • Genetic Mutations: A mutation in JAK2 (gene for blood cell development in bone marrow) is considered the most common reason for primary Polycythemia. This particular mutation leads to uncontrolled creation of red blood cells.
  • Unknown Triggers: Mutations in the genes are one reason, however what triggers the mutations in the first place remains unknown.

Causes of Secondary Polycythemia include

  • High Altitude Living: Living in high altitude may result in secondary Polycythemia. The air at higher elevations possesses less oxygen, which might force the body to generate much more red blood cells to hold more oxygen.
  • Heart or Lung Diseases: Disorders which lower the oxygen in the blood including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or heart failure might induce the generation of more red blood cells.
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea: This particular sleep disorder, where breathing pauses during sleep, leads to lower oxygen and production of more red blood cells.
  • Tumours: Excessive amounts of erythropoietin production by liver or kidney tumours, which induces bone marrow to create red blood cells.
  • Smoking: Smoking can lead to lower oxygen in the bloodstream, much like chronic lung diseases, and an increase in red cell production.
  • Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Substances including anabolic steroids or erythropoietin (abused by professional athletes) might synthetically boost the generation of red blood cells.

All these causes affect the body differently yet lead to the same effect : production of more red blood cells. Identifying these Polycythemia causes might facilitate the early detection and management of Polycythemia and preventing complications from developing.

Polycythemia vera ayurvedic treatment Symptoms

Persistent Headaches or Dizziness

Headaches & Dizziness: The thickening of the blood might decrease oxygen supply to the brain and result in regular headaches, light-headedness or dizziness.

Intense Itching, especially after warm baths

Itchiness: Itching might be intense and caused by more mast cells in the skin, particularly after bathing in warm water.

Reddening of the skin on your face, hands, or feet

Reddened Skin: The extra red blood cells could result in a flushed skin tone - particularly on the face, feet, and hands.

Excessive Fatigue or Weakness

Fatigue: Even with higher red blood cell counts, Polycythemia individuals frequently feel fatigued or tired and this could impact day to day activities.

Blurred or Double Vision

Vision Problems: If the thickened blood impacts the tiny blood vessels in the eyes, it might cause blurry eyesight, double vision, or blind or dark spots in the area of vision.

Frequent Bruising or Bleeding (e.g., nosebleeds, bleeding gums)

Bleeding & Bruising: Even with the increased cell count, easy bruising or bleeding, like regular nosebleeds or bleeding gums, can result from abnormalities in the blood components.

Feeling of Fullness or Discomfort in the Upper Left Side of the Abdomen

Blood Clots: The most severe complications of Polycythemia include blood clots which can cause strokes or heart attacks if they obstruct major arteries.

Unexplained High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure: The enhanced blood pressure and viscosity could lead to persistent high blood pressure.

Are you going through any of these symptoms?

Persistent Headaches or Dizziness
Intense Itching, especially after warm baths
Reddening of the skin on your face, hands, or feet
Excessive Fatigue or Weakness
Blurred or Double Vision
Frequent Bruising or Bleeding (e.g., nosebleeds, bleeding gums)
Feeling of Fullness or Discomfort in the Upper Left Side of the Abdomen
Unexplained High Blood Pressure

Jiva Ayunique™ Treatment Philosophy - A Holistic Approach to Polycythemia

Jiva Ayurveda offers holistic Polycythemia vera Ayurvedic treatment using evidence-based approaches. The treatment plans are customised to target the very root causes of the disease, and instead of just treating symptoms, they focus on holistic healing, balance and stability in totality.

Core Principles of the Jiva Ayunique™ Treatment Philosophy

  • Ayurvedic Medicines Certified by HACCP: These are scientifically formulated blends which rebalance the body and promote emotional stability.
  • Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness-Practices: These calming methods promote mental health and total wellbeing.
  • Ayurvedic Treatments: Therapies like Panchakarma and various kinds of massages cleanse the body and promote emotional equilibrium.
  • Diet & Lifestyle Guidance: Customised recommendations on how to alter your lifestyle and diet to attain optimum health.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Polycythemia

Ayurveda provides herbal cures to manage Polycythemia - a condition where the body creates excess red blood cells. These treatments help to cleanse the bloodstream, balance the body’s energies and enhance complete health. Below are some effective Ayurvedic herbs usually advised for Polycythemia:

  • Neem (Azadirachta Indica): Neem cleanses the blood and also eliminates harmful toxins from the body which is essential for Polycythemia management.
  • Haridra (Curcuma Longa): Haridra has curcumin, with strong anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces inflammation and could be useful for joint pain and swelling related to Polycythemia.
  • Kachnar Bark (Bauhinia Variegata): This particular herb helps to regulate the lymphatic system and curb cellular overproduction making it useful in Polycythemia.
  • Ginger (Zingiber Officinale): Ginger increases blood circulation and helps with headaches and dizziness through better blood flow and reduced inflammation.
  • Varuna (Crataeva Religiosa): Known for its actions on urinary tract problems and detoxification, Varuna also helps manage the symptoms of Polycythemia by helping the removal of excess waste and fluid out of the body.
  • Manjistha (Rubia Cordifolia): This Ayurvedic herb cleanses the blood and also clears blockages in blood flow to ease the symptoms of thickened blood in Polycythemia.
  • Katuki (Picrorhiza Kurroa), Vacha (Acorus Calamus): Both these natural herbs support liver function and digestion, detoxifying the body and controlling blood cell production.
  • Daru Haldi (Berberis Aristata): It can help control metabolic processes and possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities.
  • Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia): Called Amrita or the nectar of immortality in Ayurveda, Giloy increases immunity and resistance to diseases, which makes it useful in Polycythemia.
  • Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera): This adaptogen reduces stress and also boosts energy levels which might be especially useful for the treatment of Polycythemia fatigue.
  • Moringa (Moringa Oleifera), Rose Hip (Rosa Indica): Both these natural herbs are loaded with antioxidants, which defend the body from oxidative damage and maintain blood flow.

These Ayurvedic herbs offer a natural and holistic cure for Polycythemia symptoms. It is important to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any herbal therapy to ensure these remedies are compatible with your health and condition.

Frequently Asked Questions About Polycythemia

What is the main cause of Polycythemia?

The main reason for Polycythemia is excessive production of red blood cells by the bone marrow. This is usually because of a mutation in the JAK2 gene (which codes for how blood cells form).

Is Polycythemia passed down or inherited?

Polycythemia vera isn't typically inherited. It's normally caused by gene mutations that occur during someone's life instead of being passed from parents.

Could Ayurveda detect early Polycythemia?

Though Polycythemia isn't diagnosed in the conventional sense through Ayurveda, it can detect early imbalances which could indicate the need for medical tests.

What are Ayurvedic diet suggestions for Polycythemia?

Ayurveda recommends a diet containing cooling & blood thinning foods like cucumbers and melons and staying away from excessive salty and spicy foods.

How can Ayurveda manage Polycythemia symptoms?

Ayurveda treats Polycythemia symptoms with customised natural medications, lifestyle and diet modifications as well as stress management and routine exercise to cleanse the blood and increase circulation.

Is regular exercise recommended for polycythemia patients?

Blood circulation and clots could be improved with light to moderate exercise. However, strenuous activities must be restricted due to the risk of complications.

How does hydration support Polycythemia management?

Proper hydration is critical to control Polycythemia as it thins the blood and reduces viscosity, so it can circulate better and the danger of clotting is reduced.

Are there Ayurvedic cures for itching from Polycythemia?

Yes, Ayurvedic remedies for itching include cooling and purifying herbal plants like Neem and Aloe Vera to cool the skin and flush toxins which cause irritation.

Are Ayurvedic massages beneficial in Polycythemia cases?

Ayurvedic massage could boost blood circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system to help manage signs like swelling and inflammation.

What are the signs that my Polycythemia is progressing?

Signs of progression include more fatigue, headaches, bad vision and breathlessness.

Can Polycythemia lead to other health issues?

Yes, increased viscosity of the blood may cause blood clots, strokes, and even heart attacks in case Polycythemia isn't managed properly.

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