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Causes of Cancer

Are you concerned about abnormal cell growth or unexplained health changes? Cancer is a complex condition that affects the body at a deep level. Find out the causes of cancer through both modern and Ayurvedic perspectives. Get expert guidance on holistic ways to support your health. Book a free consultation with an expert Jiva doctor today.

Cancer brings fear to the hearts of many, not only due to its prevalence but due to its impact in the individuals it affects. Essentially, cancer is a disorder where cells in a body grow uncontrollably, producing masses or tumours which can spread to other parts of a body. Unlike conventional methods which treat just the symptoms to control the disease, Ayurveda provides an alternative approach. This ancient medical system goes deeper into the source of diseases like cancer. It seeks to restore natural defenses and the balance of the body by fixing the imbalances which trigger illness. Ayurveda seeks to treat cancer by making lifestyle changes, diet modifications in addition to healing techniques.

Ayurvedic Causes of Cancer

Ayurveda views cancer as a condition caused by imbalances of the body's natural systems. It identifies many factors which cause cancer, mostly due to disturbance of the body's 3 major doshas: Vata, Pitta & Kapha. Each plays a certain role in cancer development:

Dosha Imbalances:

  • Vata: Excessive Vata causes degeneration and irregular cell growth leading to their abnormal spread.
  • Pitta: Heightened Pitta might result in inflammation and the transformation of healthy cells into cancerous ones.
  • Kapha: Overactive Kapha results in too much cell growth and tumour formation.

Ayurveda Causative Factors:

  • Ama (Toxins): Poor digestion results in ama, poisonous substances which accumulate in the body and impact cellular function and immunity.
  • Srotas (Channel Blockages): Obstruction in the channels within the body prevents the transportation of nutrients and wastes, causing cellular abnormalities.

Lifestyle & Environmental Contributions:

  • Diet: Inappropriate diet for one's dosha type could cause toxic buildup and imbalances.
  • Physical Inactivity: Sedentary lifestyle worsens Kapha, bringing more imbalances and toxicity.
  • Stress: Stress disturbs Pitta and Vata chronically, diminishing the defenses and hormonal balance.

Ayurveda considers cancer a complex disturbance called 'Arbuda' or 'Granthi'. It stresses on treatment and prevention with a holistic approach which addresses both symptoms and the root causes of the condition.

Modern Causes of Cancer

Cancer is associated with genes, lifestyle and environmental factors. Understanding these could help detect and prevent the disease. The most prevalent causes listed by modern medicine are:

Genetic Factors:

  • Inherited Mutations: Many individuals acquire gene modifications from their parents which raise their risk of some cancers.
  • Acquired Mutations: Most cancers arise from mutations that take place during a person's life. This occurs because of environmental factors or errors as cells divide.

Lifestyle-Related Causes:

  • Smoking: Smoking damages cells lining the lungs and causes mutations - a major reason for lung and other cancers.
  • Diet & Obesity: Cancer risk is raised through diets loaded with fat and refined foods, and due to excess weight.\
  • Physical Inactivity: Sedentary lifestyle might be unsafe for cancers of the breast and colon.

Environmental Exposures:

  • Radiation: UV rays from the sun or from medical imaging & therapies can damage DNA and trigger cancers.
  • Chemicals & Toxins: Materials like asbestos, benzene, and formaldehyde result in mutations which cause cancers.
  • Viruses & Bacteria: Several pathogens like human papillomavirus (HPV) as well as Helicobacter pylori directly affect cellular behaviour and cause cancer.

Consequently, various factors contribute to cancer development, showing the relationship between genes, environment and lifestyle choices.


Cancer is a complicated condition with varied causes which can be managed with natural Ayurvedic remedies. Whereas contemporary medicine focuses on genetics, environmental exposures and lifestyle influences, Ayurveda concentrates on restoring balance of the body's doshas and removing toxins. Ayurveda treats not just the symptoms but the root cause imbalances which trigger cancer. The process of natural healing starts with knowing the source of cancer. Consult an Ayurvedic expert today to improve your overall health holistically.

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