Successful Treatments
In laryngitis, the laryngeal mucous membrane is swollen, congested and coated with mucus. Chronic laryngitis occurs as a result of repeated attacks of acute laryngitis. Since the larynx is responsible for producing voice, laryngitis naturally affects the voice of the individual. Therefore, chronic laryngitis has been called swarabhed in Ayurveda, the word swar means voice and bhed means breaking.
Vataj swarabhed (caused mainly by vitiated vayu) is marked by harsh, loud, vibrating voice and pain around the larynx. Pittaj swarabhed (caused mainly by vitiated Pitta) is indicated by thirst, fever and burning sensation in the laryngeal region. Staggering or obstructed voice indicates kaphaj swarabhed (caused mainly by vitiated kapha) which aggravates during night and alleviates during the day. Sannipatik swarabhed is caused by vitiation of all three doshas and therefore have mixed characteristics. Swarabhed caused by emaciating diseases like tuberculosis is called kshayaj swarabhed and is generally accompanied by mild fever, weakness and weight loss. Medoj swarabhed caused by the vitiation of meda dhatu (fat tissue) has similar features like kaphaj swarabhed but patients also experience excessive thirst. The treatment for swarabhed involves certain therapies with the addition of antibiotics, blood and lymph cleansing herbs. Sometimes, demulcent herbs are also prescribed.