Successful Treatments
Jiva Ayurveda recognises this debilitating outcome of Sinusitis and through its evidence-based Ayunique™ Treatment philosophy, employs Shastriya Ayurvedic principles with contemporary research to deliver personalised care aimed at relief from the root, that lasts.
Consult with a certified Ayurveda expert at Jiva for accurate diagnosis and a personalised treatment plan that incorporates Ayurvedic therapies, dietary recommendations, HACCP-certified Ayurvedic medicines, yoga, and mind-wellbeing practices.
Sinusitis, commonly also referred to as a sinus infection, is the inflammation or swelling of the tissues lining the sinuses. As such, the sinuses are air-filled cavities residing within the bones that shape the nose, the forehead, the cheeks, and around the eyes.
Healthily, sinuses are covered with a thin layer of mucus that captures dust, germs, or pollutants. The mucus further drains into the nasal passages. This blockage in drainage allows for an accumulation of mucus and develops a favorable environment for an infection when the lining of the sinuses becomes inflamed.
Sinusitis is further classified as acute (less than four weeks), subacute (four to twelve weeks), and chronic (more than twelve weeks). Most commonly, it is caused by a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection. Contributing factors include allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps (noncancerous growths in the nasal passages), deviated septum (displacement of the wall between the nostrils), and exposure to irritants such as smoke and pollutants.
The manifestations of Sinusitis vary depending on the extent and cause of the infection. Common manifestations include:
It's common to experience a pain or pressure in the face, typically a dull ache, pressure, or throbbing headache in the forehead, cheeks, around the eyes, or even the upper teeth. The pain has a tendency to worsens when bending over.
Nasal passages get blocked, so it is hard to breathe through the nose. Mucus may be thick or colored yellowish, greenish, or whitish.
Headaches are common and often described as a frontal headache or a feeling of pressure in the head.
A condition wherein the mucus drops down the posterior part of the throat and can lead to sore throat, cough, or hoarseness.
A persistent cough, often worse at night can be a symptom of Sinusitis.
A fever may accompany a sinus infection, especially if it's bacterial.
The collection of mucus and infection can cause bad breath.
Inflammation can affect the olfactory nerves; hence, there is a diminution in the sense of smell.
Conventional medicine focuses on symptomatic relief and treating the causative infection behind Sinusitis. Such measures include,
Nasal decongestants: These drugs reduce swollen nasal tissues; this makes it easier to breathe. However, they have to be used for a minimal period since prolonged use triggers rebound congestion.
Over-the-counter pain relievers, that have the capacity to alleviate pain and reduce fever.
Saline nasal sprays can moisturise the nasal passages and loosen mucus, which then will drain easily.
Antibiotics are administered in case of bacterial infections.
Corticosteroid Sprays: These sprays will minimise the swelling of tissues inside the nasal passages.
Jiva's Evidence-Based Ayurveda treatments will help one with a holistic cure of Sinusitis by directly focusing on the root cause of the disease and rebalancing the body's three energies, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, along with mind and spirit. According to Ayurveda, an imbalance mainly in the Kapha dosha is responsible for most Sinusitis, and Pitta does this mostly by intensifying the former. The imbalance causes can be from a series of causes such as poor diet intake, living in cold as well as damp surroundings and also poor immunity.
Jiva's advanced treatments include HACCP-certified Ayurvedic medicines for Sinusitis, along with time-tested Ayurvedic therapies, yoga, meditation, and personalised lifestyle and dietary guidance for optimal results. The most commonly used Ayurvedic remedies effective for managing Sinusitis are as follows:
Jala Neti is an ancient technique of nasal cleansing where warm saline water is used to clear the nasal passages of mucus, allergens, and irritants in a gentle manner. It improves airflow and reduces congestion.
Herbal Steam Inhalation – Inhalation of steam containing specific herbs such as eucalyptus, mint, or turmeric may help open the nasal passages, reduce swelling, and loosen mucus.
Nasy – In this ayurvedic therapy, medicinal therapeutic oils are put through the nasal passage to help cause depurative action, reducing stagnations and inflammation while strengthening the nasal mucous membrane.
Triphala – This powerful herbal preparation is known to detoxify and rejuvenate. It promotes better digestion and elimination and thus indirectly improves Sinusitis by preventing the toxins from being built up inside the body.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) – This golden spice of life is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Its action compound, curcumin, reduces inflammation in your sinuses and boosts immunization.
Ginger, known for its anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties, reduces inflammation, thins mucus, and enhances circulation.
Additionally, a qualified Ayurveda doctor at Jiva will conduct a thorough assessment of your individual constitution (Prakriti) and the specific imbalances that are causing your Sinusitis. Based on this assessment, they will recommend a personalised treatment program that may include specific herbal preparations, dietary modifications, lifestyle suggestions, and other therapies.
Ayurveda emphasises that diet and lifestyle play a very significant role in maintaining health and preventing disease. To manage Sinusitis properly, the following dietary and lifestyle recommendations should be considered:
Prefer warm, cooked food – Take warm, easy to digest foods such as soups and stews, cooked vegetables, and warm liquids. All these help to calm down the throat and improve digestion.
One needs to keep oneself free from cold and heavy diets, minimise cold drinks, ice cream, dairy products — mainly during acute episodes, fry foods, processed foods and refined sugars as these all worsen Kapha and exacerbate congestion.
Drink lots of warm water, herbal teas like ginger or tulsi tea, and clear broths during the day. This thins out the mucus, which then can be easily drained.
Pranayama (breathing exercises) – Specific breathing techniques like Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellows Breath) and Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breath) can help to clear nasal passages, improve respiratory function, and boost immunity.
Light exercises and gentle physical activities including, walking, yoga, tai chi help improve blood flow, relax, and get healthier. Heavy exercises should be rather avoided.
Additionally, keep a clean environment and minimise exposure to allergens, dust, smoke, and other irritants that may provoke Sinusitis. Use air purifiers and humidifiers when necessary.
Some of the possible causes of Sinusitis may include Viral, bacterial, and/or fungal infections; allergies, nasal polyps, septal deviation, or irritant exposure.
The diagnosis mostly consists of physical examination, a history of the disease, and in some cases, X-rays or CT scans.
The common symptoms include facial pain and pressure, nasal congestion, headache, postnasal drip, cough, fever, halitosis, and a decreased sense of smell.
Viral and some bacterial forms of Sinusitis can be contagious.
Home remedies that include the saline nasal sprays, using of warm compresses, and inhaling steam are all forms of home remedies.
A person should seek medical attention at the hospital if their Sinustis symptoms are severe alongside persistent, or high fever, vision disturbances, or swelling around the eyes.
Sinusitis can be prevented. Good hygiene, management of allergies, and avoidance of irritants such as smoke can help prevent Sinusitis.
The duration of recovery from Sinusitis varies based on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. Acute Sinusitis generally resolves within a few weeks, whereas chronic Sinusitis may persist for an extended period.
Complications may include meningitis, orbital cellulitis-an eye infection-and brain abscess.
Ayurveda presents a fundamentally different approach to Sinusitis when considered against modern medicine. However, conventional treatments often place their focus on symptom-based relief through decongestants, pain relievers, and antibiotics, Ayurveda seeks to work more profoundly to reverse the inherent imbalances that may be a part of the condition.
Also, in Ayurveda, there's an emphasis on holistic treatment whereby the mind, body, and the spirit are intertwined. Ayurveda believes in achieving a balance state in the human body in the three doshas-Vata, Pitta, and Kapha that is supposed to regulate all physiological activities.
Concerning Sinusitis, the Ayurvedic treatment, above all, concentrates on balancing an aggravating state of Kapha dosha directly associated with symptoms like congestion, mucus, and heaviness.
Ayurveda prescribes several herbs to treat Sinusitis, but all of them have specific characteristics, which target the patient in different ways:
Turmeric (Curcuma longa): This spice contains both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities as mentioned earlier. One compound in this spice is called curcumin, and that helps in reducing sinus-related inflammation, relieving pains, and improving immunities.
Ginger is said to possess anti-inflammatory, decongestant, and expectorant properties. It has the potential to alleviate inflammation, liquefy mucus, and encourage drainage.
Tulsi, also known as Ocimum sanctum or Holy Basil, is highly valued in Ayurveda because of its immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. This herb helps in fighting infections, reducing inflammation, and relieving congestion.
Triphala is an herbal formulation that contains Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). The combination is known for detoxifying and rejuvenating effects. It also improves digestion and excretion, which might indirectly help in the treatment of Sinusitis by reducing the levels of toxins in the body.
Glycyrrhiza glabra, or Licorice, is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help soothe the irritation of mucous membranes and decrease inflammation in the sinuses.
Ayurveda attributes the cause of Sinusitis as an imbalance of Kapha dosha that is mainly aggravated by Pitta. This can occur due to several reasons like
An unbalanced diet that may include the intake of too much oily, sweet, cold, or heavy food can exacerbate Kapha and cause the patient to become congested with excessive mucus production.
Exposure to cold and wet can also lead to Kapha being provoked and increased by cold climate, wetness, or draughts.
A weakened immune system makes people more susceptible to infections, including sinus infections.
Suppressed natural urges: Even suppressed natural urges such as sneezing or coughing contribute to the build-up of mucus and congestion.
Yes, Ayurveda emphasises preventive measures to maintain balance and prevent the recurrence of Sinusitis. These include:
Daily Oil Pulling (Kavala Graha): Swish oil in the mouth; sesame or coconut oil can take several minutes and will rid the toxins from your system, boost oral hygiene, and strengthens the immune system.
Application of the medicated oil (just a few drops) directly onto the nasal passage can provide relief with regard to flushing through the nostrils, eliminating inflammation and fortifying nasal mucous.
A Balanced Diet - The most important factor to prevent Sinusitis is a balanced diet that balances the doshas, especially Kapha. This implies preference of warm, light, and easy to digest foods while minimising the intake of heavy, cold, oily, and sweet foods.
Pranayama and similar yet specific techniques such as Bhastrika Pranayama and Kapalabhati Pranayama, when practised regularly can help in cleansing the nasal passages, respiratory function, and immunity.
Seasonal Detoxification (Panchakarma): The detoxification therapies like Panchakarma are useful in cleansing the body of toxins and strengthening the immune system.