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Get Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment for Renal Failure

Discover the holistic advantages of Ayurvedic treatment for Renal Failure with Jiva Ayurveda. Receive personalised treatment plans that combine natural herbs, HACCP certified Ayurvedic medicines, custom dietary advice, and lifestyle modifications, all under the guidance of the most experienced Ayurvedic practitioners in India. Book consultation with a Jiva expert today.

What is Renal Failure? 

Renal Failure occurs when the kidneys can no longer effectively clean the blood or perform other essential functions. This is a major health issue that impacts your body. Renal Failure could be a chronic or temporary condition based on the severity.

The kidneys filter out toxins, excess salts, & urea, a waste product created in the protein metabolism process. Additionally, they keep body fluids balanced, control blood pressure and create hormones that keep the bones strong and blood healthy. Whenever the kidneys fail, harmful wastes build up within the body, blood pressure might increase, and the body may retain excess fluid and not make enough red blood cells. This may result in feeling tired or weak, difficulty concentrating or developing a swollen feet or face.

Renal Failure could be acute (severe kidney failure), caused by an injury, chronic dehydration, or perhaps an unexpected serious illness which causes them to stop working. On the other hand, chronic kidney failure happens slowly over several years as problems like diabetes or high blood pressure harm the kidneys steadily.

Stages of Kidney Disease

The progression of kidney disease is typically characterised as happening in 5 stages based on an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of exactly how effectively the kidneys filter waste from the blood:

  • Stage 1: Kidney damage with normal or high eGFR (90 or greater). Kidneys are working well but showing some minor damage.
  • Stage 2: Mild kidney function loss (eGFR 60-89).
  • Stage 3: Moderate renal function loss split into 2 sub-stages : 3A (eGFR 45-60) & 3B (eGFR 30-44).
  • Stage 4: Kidney function loss is severe (eGFR 15-29).
  • Stage 5: Kidney failure or end-stage renal disease (ESRD) with an eGFR less than 15. At this stage, the kidneys can not perform their work at all and requires dialysis or a kidney transplant to survive.

Understanding these stages helps Ayurvedic doctors & patients manage renal disease to slow its development and protect health as much as possible.

Common Causes of Renal Failure 

Renal Failure, or kidney failure, may happen under several conditions and lifestyle influences. These causes need to be understood since early detection and management may prevent additional kidney damage and keep a healthy body.

Common causes of Renal Failure are:

  • Diabetes: High blood sugar due to uncontrolled diabetes permanently damages the kidneys and makes it the leading reason for Renal Failure. Blood sugar should be managed for good kidney health.
  • High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure puts more strain on the blood vessels throughout the body, which includes the kidneys. With time, this could cause considerable kidney damage and decreased kidney function.
  • Chronic Glomerulonephritis: This is a group of illnesses which cause inflammation and harm the kidneys' filtering units, the glomeruli, and hinder their ability to remove waste.
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease: An inherited condition where many cysts develop inside your kidneys. These cysts might hinder normal kidney function and cause Renal Failure.
  • Prolonged Obstruction of the Urinary Tract: From kidney stones, an enlarged prostate or some cancers may stop urine from moving freely and result in damage & pressure on the kidneys.
  • Recurrent Kidney Infection: Repeated kidney infections may cause scarring, kidney damage and failure.
  • Overuse of Medications: Some medicines, which includes nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), may harm kidneys when used frequently. 
  • Autoimmune Diseases: Certain diseases including lupus and Goodpasture's syndrome may trigger the immune system to attack own body tissues like the kidneys and damage kidney function.
  • Severe Dehydration: Not consuming sufficient fluids may cause dehydration and may put extreme strain on the kidneys if it is repeated often.
  • Toxic Exposure: Exposure to certain chemical substances (lead, mercury, and various other substances) could lead to kidney damage.

Knowing these causes and how they impact kidney health might help individuals take preventative actions to safeguard their kidneys & manage chronic kidney disease.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure Symptoms



Collection of fluid in lungs


Body swelling

Itching on skin

Are you going through any of these symptoms?

Collection of fluid in lungs
Body swelling
Itching on skin

Jiva Ayunique™ Treatment Philosophy - A Holistic Approach to Renal Failure

Jiva Ayurveda offers holistic Ayurvedic treatment for Renal Cortical Cyst using evidence-based approaches. The treatment plans are customised to target the very root causes of the disease, and instead of just treating symptoms, they focus on holistic healing, balance and stability in totality.

Core Principles of the Jiva Ayunique™ Treatment Philosophy

  • HACCP-Certified Ayurvedic Medicines: Scientific formulas developed to balance your body and support your emotional wellness.
  • Yoga, Meditation & Mindfulness: Gentle methods to relax, de-stress and enhance your mental and physical health.
  • Ayurvedic Therapies: Cleansing treatments like Panchakarma and massages to remove toxins and attain emotional balance can also be suggested.
  • Diet & Lifestyle Guidance: Expert suggestions on how to adjust your daily practices and eating habits for better health and well being.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Renal Failure

Ayurveda deals with renal dysfunction holistically using natural remedies, lifestyle modifications and natural medicines to regain renal health. Many Ayurvedic herbs cleanse, heal and boost kidney function while decreasing swelling, urinary issues & toxin buildup.

  • Punarnava: A natural diuretic which reduces water retention, prevents kidney stones and also eases painful urination. It has antibacterial and antimicrobial functions to help kidney health.
  • Gokshura: Promotes kidney function by helping eliminate uric acid and avoiding the development of kidney stones. It helps with urinary tract health and problems like polycystic kidney disease and cystitis. It is an important herb in the Ayurvedic treatment for Renal Cortical Cyst.
  • Giloy (Guduchi): A diuretic cleansing herb which flushes toxins and excess fluids from the body. It helps maintain healthy urine flow and controls urinary infections and kidney stones.
  • Palash: Palash eases burning sensations when urinating, normalises urine flow and cures kidney infections.
  • Turmeric (Curcuma Longa): An effective anti-inflammatory and antioxidant herb which decreases swelling, prevents kidney infections and assists in removing toxins for better kidney health.
  • Triphala (Amalaki, Haritaki, Bibhitaki): A trio of regenerating herbs that can help with kidney tissues, prevent damage, and boost kidney function. It's particularly effective in delaying the development of renal disease.
  • Varuna: A natural diuretic which aids with frequent urination, cleansing the blood and stopping cysts and kidney stones.
  • Pippali: An anti inflammatory herb which decreases swelling and inflammation in kidney tissues for enhanced health and function.
  • Kaasni: Supports kidney and liver function, detoxifies the body, encourages urine flow and reduces inflammation, great for renal health.

These herbs work in concert to help kidney health, improve Renal Failure symptoms and overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions About Renal Failure

What is Renal Failure?

Renal Failure means your kidneys can not filter blood or eliminate wastes properly. This leads to the body accumulating fluids and toxins, which causes health issues. It could be temporary (acute) or chronic and calls for timely Ayurvedic therapy to stay away from further complications.

What are the types of Renal Failure?

There are two kinds: acute Renal Failure happens because of infections or dehydration and chronic Renal Failure happens slowly over time due to problems including high blood pressure or diabetes. Chronic cases call for long-term Ayurvedic care.

Could Ayurveda prevent renal failure?

Yes, Ayurveda focuses on preventing kidney issues with herbs like Punarnava, Gokshura and lifestyle modifications like eating right and staying hydrated. Renal dysfunction could be avoided through frequent detoxification and a balanced diet.

How does Ayurveda diagnose Renal Failure?

Ayurvedic diagnosis includes understanding the symptoms, & evaluation of lifestyle and energy imbalances (Doshas). Practitioners may use techniques like pulse reading and urine observation to determine the main cause and prescribe treatment.

What are the early signs of kidney damage?

Initial indications include tiredness, frequent or diminished urination, feet or face swelling and thick or foamy urine. In case you see any of these symptoms, visit an Ayurvedic doctor immediately. These issues could be resolved with consistent Ayurvedic care.

What are the complications of Renal Failure?

Untreated Renal Failure may cause severe problems including high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, bone damage and fluid buildup in the lungs. It may also result in anemia and electrolytes imbalances, which is why early detection and treatment are essential.

Are Renal Failure & kidney infections related?

Yes, repeated kidney infections may scar the kidneys, reducing their ability to filter waste. If left untreated, this damage might progress to Renal Failure. 

How can diet impact kidney health?

Diet is an essential factor in kidney health. Ayurveda suggests staying away from salty & processed food and eating fresh, alkaline foods like vegetables and fruits. 

What lifestyle changes may prevent Renal Failure?

Drinking sufficient water, eating right, regularly working out, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and managing your blood pressure can help avoid kidney problems. Ayurveda focuses on the reduction of stress by way of meditation & yoga.

Can kidney failure result from dehydration?

Dehydration makes your kidneys work harder to filter toxins. Chronic dehydration could harm kidney tissues and cause kidney failure. Ayurveda suggests drinking warm water or herbal-infused water to keep hydrated and assist kidney function.

How can Ayurveda assist in case of kidney stones?

Ayurveda uses herbs like Varuna and Gokshura to break down kidney stones naturally, reduce discomfort and stop new stones from developing. These remedies help in promoting urine flow and maintain a proper balance of minerals within the body.

Could Ayurveda assist dialysis patients?

Ayurveda complements dialysis by decreasing toxins in the body, improving strength, and enhancing overall health with herbs including Punarnava and Triphala. Additionally, it offers dietary suggestions to support kidney function and avoid further issues.

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