Successful Treatments
Pinda Sweda is a method in which the materials are tied in a cloth and used for Swedana, an Ayurvedic treatment that involves inducing sweating to cleanse the body and relieve stress. In Patra Pinda Sweda, leaves of Ayurvedic medicinal herbs along with other conventional drugs are roasted in a pan with little oil and a bolus is prepared by tying in the cloth. The prepared bolus is used for fomentation on the body by frequently heating it, and this is to be done after Abhyanga (light oil massage). The therapy is used to relieve pain and help manage diseases such as Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cervical Spondylosis, Lumbar Spondylosis, Musculoskeletal Pain and Neuro-Muscular diseases.
Pinda means bolus, Sweda means sweating. In Patra Pinda Sweda, the Ayurvedic medicinal herbs are tied in a cloth in the form of bolus, which are then heated up to a tolerable temperature and Swedana is done by gently rubbing the bolus over the painful area. It helps relieve pain, stiffness and swelling.
Patra Pinda Sweda is believed to be an effective treatment for painful conditions caused mainly by Vata Dosha, usually in degenerative diseases. Leaves which can pacify morbid Vata are used in the bolus for tackling inflammatory diseases of joints and soft tissues. Vitiated Kapha and its symptoms like heaviness, coldness etc. can be rid by using Kapha destroying leaves in the bolus. Patra Pina Sweda is used mainly to relieve pain, inflammation, swelling and stiffness associated with bones, joints and/or musculoskeletal pains.
People with high-stress lifestyles and people who have desk jobs, who spend the majority of their day staring at laptops/computers, tend to accumulate a lot of stress and burden in their neck and shoulders. Patra Pinda Sweda can help relieve these symptoms and conditions, helping you lead a wholesome and holistic life.
The bolus is dipped in oil which is kept on a heating apparatus at a constant temperature in a pan. The Pottali of Patra are gently rubbed with mild pressure in the manner similar to Abhyanga. The fomentation given by Patra Pinda Swedana is carried out in all the 7 postures in which Abhyanga (herbal massage) is done, so that all parts of the body are equally fomented.
The treatment procedure is carried out for 5-10 minutes in each posture. Thus the time duration of the treatment ranges from 30-40 minutes.
A uniform temperature of potties is maintained by dipping them in the heated mixture of medicated decoction and milk. This process is carried out until proper sweating occurs.
At Jiva Ayurveda, Patra Pinda Sweda is performed by skilled Ayurvedic therapists with specialised training in traditional techniques. Each session begins with a comprehensive assessment by an Ayurvedic doctor to understand the patient’s unique constitution, dosha imbalances, and medical history. Based on this assessment, the oil or medicated liquid bolus used in Patra Pinda Sweda is carefully selected and prepared with precision.
During the session, the patient lies comfortably, and the therapist gently rubs the bolus with a mild pressure on the body. Jiva experts maintain the right temperature, pressure and flow, to ensure a deeply relaxing experience. The room is kept calm, and ambient to facilitate complete mental relaxation.
Our Patra Pinda Sweda treatment is tailored to your individual needs and requirements. We will work with you to create a personalised treatment plan that addresses your specific concerns.
Patra Pinda Sweda is most often recommended in conditions like chronic back pain, arthritis, stiffness of the joints and even muscle pain. It may help in increasing blood circulation to the affected area, gets rid of Dosha imbalances, strengthens the muscles in the area, helps the release of toxins and reduces inflammation. This also helps to tone muscles and improve the working of tissues within the body.
At Jiva Ayurveda, our carefully curated Patra Pinda Sweda sessions allow you to experience these benefits in a relaxing and soothing setting. This therapy not only gives your relief from pain but also relaxes and rejuvenates the mind, providing a holistic wellness experience that aligns with your natural rhythm.
A. The duration of Patra Pinda Sweda is 7-21 days depending on the nature and intensity of the disease.
A. Some indications for Patra Pinda Sweda are intervertebral disc protrusion or prolapsed (IVDP), sciatica (Gridhrasi), osteoarthritis, chronic stages of RA (Jeerna or Pravruddha Amavata), cervical spondylosis, ankylosing spondylitis, frozen shoulder, Pakshavadha (hemiplegia) etc.
A. Some contraindications for Patra Pinda Sweda are Taruna Jwara (acute fever), Atisara (Diarrhoea), Raktapitta (hemorrhagic disorders), Twak Vikara (infective eczema, psoriasis etc.)
A. Nirgundi and Tila Taila are the main medicinal herbs used in Patra Pinda Sweda.
A. The leaves of medicinal plants are collected, sliced and tied in a bolus.