Savasana (The Corpse Pose):
Savasana is a relaxing posture that helps calm you down while also regulating your breathing pattern. It’s a great warm up and cool down asana and that’s why you’ll notice most yoga workouts begin and end with Savasana.
How to perform this asana:
Start by lying flat on your back.
Place your arms beside you, palms facing upwards.
Close your eyes, while slowly relaxing every part of your body.
Focus your attention on your breath, making it slow, deep and rhythmic.
Stay in this pose for 5 to 10 minutes.
Uttanasana (The Standing Forward Fold):
This is a lovely and relaxing pose that can help open up the lungs for natural relief from the symptoms of Asthma.
How to perform this asana:
Start by standing upright and elongating your spine.
Bend forward at the hip and touch your toes.
Relaxing your shoulders, neck and facial muscles, hold the pose for 20 seconds.
Straighten your torso slowly.
Repeat 12 times.
Baddha Kona Asana (The Butterfly Pose):
This pose helps stimulate and increase blood circulation to the dhatus (bodily tissue) and has a therapeutic effect on Asthma.
How to perform it:
Start with the soles of your feet pressed together.
Drop your knees out to the side, resembling a butterfly.
Hold your ankles, pulling you feet closer to your hips.
Inhale deeply and you exhale, bend your torso forward toward your feet.
Hold for 5 breaths. Repeat 12 times.
Regularly practising yoga for even 21 minutes a day can go a long way in giving relief to even chronic Asthma! However, for long-term maintenance of the condition or to be free of it completely, you should consult a Jiva doctor. You can dial 0129-4040404 from your mobile phone or click on ‘Speak to a Doctor’ under the CONNECT tab in the Jiva Health App.