If you suffer from insomnia or cannot sleep well at night, try this poppy seed chutney for amazing benefits.
The vata and pitta balancing properties of poppy seeds make them great sleeping aides.
Reap this benefit with a yummy poppy seed chutney.
Do you have trouble sleeping? If your answer to that was a resounding ‘YES!’, this poppy seed chutney is perfect for you. It balances both the vata and pitta, making it a natural sleeping aid. It pacifies the prana vata (a subdosha of vata) that dwells in the mind and the sadhaka pitta (a subdosha of pitta) that is present in the heart. Once these doshas are pacified, you feel calm, centred, and are able to fall asleep easily.
1 tsp white poppy seeds (khus khus)
1 tsp grated coconut (nariyal)
A pinch of cumin (jeera)
A pinch of turmeric (haldi)
Combine the poppy seeds and shredded coconut.
As you mix them, keep adding water till it forms a thick paste. Set the paste aside.
Put the ghee in a frying pan and let it simmer till it turns transparent.
Add the turmeric and cumin to the ghee and immediately take it off the stove.
Once cool, add the poppy and coconut mixture. Again let it stand for 5 minutes.
Add salt to taste, and enjoy!
Have this chutney one hour before you sleep and you can bid goodbye to tossing and turning in bed!
For more such recipes and lifestyle tips visit the Jiva Ayurveda website. And for further guidance on how to manage insomnia, consult a Jiva doctor today. You can dial 0129-4040404 from your mobile phone or click on ‘Speak to a Doctor’ under the CONNECT tab in the Jiva Health App.
To Know more , talk to a Jiva doctor. Dial 0129-4264323 or click on Our Doctors.
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