How diabetes affects kidneys?
Diabetes and kidney disease go hand in hand. This is because the kidneys have to work overtime to filter the excess water and sugar from the blood. As a result, about 10 to 40% of diabetic patients develop chronic kidney disease. Some of the symptoms of this disease are a loss of appetite, increase in the urge to urinate, nausea, persistent itching, protein in the urine, and swelling of the feet.
How do you protect the kidneys?
The best way to do so is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and control your blood pressure and blood glucose levels.
Stay active by exercising regularly. Aerobic exercises and Yoga are good for your health
Check your blood sugar levels at regular intervals. Maintain it below the danger level.
Screen for kidney diseases. Early detection can help in a complete cure.
Do not consume alcohol or smoke cigarettes
Consult your doctor before taking any new medicines.
Diet plan to protect kidneys when you have diabetes mellitus:
Eat fibrous fruits and vegetables, especially those with lower sugar content. Such fruits include berries, apples, and even pomegranates. Go for green leafy vegetables.
Cut back on your salt intake. White table salt contains a lot of sodium. It is necessary to maintain a healthy fluid balance in the body. However, consuming too much of salt can harm the kidneys. A high intake of salt can also lead to high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems leading to heart attacks. Cutting your salt intake allows you to reduce your weight.
Exercise regularly:
You can opt for simple outdoor exercises like brisk walking or jogging. Aerobic exercises are good provided you are able to maintain the flow. Yoga is a good option to pursue.
Unless you get proper root-cause based treatment for Diabetes, you always have the risk of organ damage. Come to Ayurveda and get proper personalized treatment for diabetes before you discover that a vital organ has become damaged.