Mustard oil
Mustard oil mixed with camphor is effective in providing relief to those affected by asthma. Warm the oil a little bit and add the camphor to it. When the camphor melts, massage the mixture all over the chest of the patient till he / she starts feeling better. Warming the oil before the massage is important because it ensures that you experience quick relief.
Eucalyptus oil
If you’ve got someone in your family who’s suffering from asthma, you should keep eucalyptus oil handy. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a bowl of boiling water, and inhale its steam after covering your head with a towel. Eucalyptus helps open up blockages in the nasal passage, thereby facilitating easy breathing.
Ginger is considered a superfood since it has multiple health benefits. It’s also effective against asthma. Take equal quantities of ginger, honey, and pomegranate and have this mixture 2-3 times a day.
Figs is counted among the most effective remedies for asthma. All you have to do is soak dried figs in water overnight and eat them after you wake up. Don’t throw the water away. Drink it up and keep your asthma troubles at bay.
These natural remedies will help you breathe smoothly and bring relief from the symptoms of asthma. However, they’re not meant to be an alternative to personalised asthma treatment that targets the root cause of the problem. For long term relief from the condition, seek help from a Jiva doctor who will prescribe a customised treatment plan that will put you on the road to getting better in no time at all.